Today 10thAug 2018 morning one JCB was spotted levelling the temporary bus
stand near my house close to BootBunglow,  dear Sidharth ex-MLA OF PANJIM.
When I questioned the driver he was not in position to tell me who
instructed this job to him but with great difficulty he murmured saying
name of a "altu faltu" contractor whether he belongs to PWD, GSIDC , CCP OR
This work could be to accomodate more tourist buses because the touristic
season is approaching which will create more problems to our Dona Paula
residents and more accidents at this narrow road will take place when there
is no approach road nor any circle for turning buses.
Can the goverment shift this bus stand somewhere else or close the jetty
and bars and stop tourist buses coming here until a suitable area is
Sent from my Samsung device

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