15th October, 2016

Letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi from BJP voters on Mopa Plateau 
regarding Impact of the unviable second airport at Mopa Plateau, Goa on the 
environment and people of Goa

Respected Sir,

As long time BJP voters from the villages located on the Mopa Plateau in North 
Goa, we have deeply appreciated your well stated concern at various 
international forums about the looming problem of climate change and your 
government’s public pronouncements stating its goals of “environmental 
balance”, “sustainability” and protection of farmers. Hence we take the liberty 
of approaching you to place before you our serious concerns regarding the PPP 
second airport to be constructed on the Mopa Plateau, for which you are shortly 
visiting Goa to lay the foundation stone.

The proposed Mopa Airport was the brainchild of the erstwhile Congress State 
government, and was perceived as an alleged scam by the then BJP Opposition 
Party in Goa and the people of Goa. It was believed that the second airport was 
sought to be set up in tiny Goa by the Congress regime just to increase real 
estate value of huge parcels of land bought by various VIPs in that area. We 
are therefore at a loss to understand why our BJP government is showing such 
iron determination to plough ahead with the erstwhile Congress government’s 
destructive policy.

Respected Sir, perhaps you are not aware that the Mopa Plateau upon which this 
airport is sought to be constructed, abuts the ecologically fragile Western 
Ghats region, which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For us, the fall out 
of the Airport will be irreversible in human terms, leading to traumatic 
disruption of our lives and livelihood as farmers and people engaged in animal 
husbandry, besides those of us who are residents of the area. However, there 
are even more serious implications for Goa in terms of environmental fallout 
with respect to 46 perennial fresh water springs, and a vibrant and plentiful 
water reservoice which are being destroyed in the process of setting up this 
airport, even as ironically, the Goa Government is engaged in battling 
Karnataka over water from the Mhadei River. The wealth of flora, fauna and 
irreplaceable bio diversity that will be lost has been documented by 
environmentalists, even as the Goa State Government and its bio diversity Board 
has failed to conduct any scientific studies as to the eco-sensitivity and 
fragility of the region.

We also take the opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that there are 
two cases pending against this Airport project with the NGT, regarding the EIA, 
and one case in the Supreme Court relating to the land acquisition.

According to information provided by Civil Aviation Minister A Gajapathi Raju 
in the Lok Sabha in April this year, India spent a total of Rs 600 crore on 25 
airports across the country in just two years when these airports were 
technically operational but in reality did not handle a single scheduled 
flight. In other words, the unviability of these airports have turned them into 
ghost airports. In fact, recent reports have stated that 8 brand new airports 
which were proposed in 2009 alongside Mopa and constructed in some of the 
country’s tourist hubs, have not seen any aviation activity because of less 
than projected demand. 50% of India’s airports remained unused throughout the 

The most perplexing question regarding the proposed Mopa Airport in Goa is the 
very need for a second airport at all, just 80 kms from the expanded and 
centrally located Goa International Airport at Dabolim, which has the capacity 
to handle 9.5 million passengers for 2035 or the next 22 years according to the 
expert ICAO report. In fact, Rs.500 crores has been invested for upgradation of 
infrastructure at Dabolim Airport, which is the third highest in the country 
after Kolkata and Chennai. The proposed Greenfield airport at Mopa will also 
fall within 150 kms of Chipi Airport located in the neighbouring state of 

Expert reports of ICAO and ADPi have clearly stated that one airport is the 
best solution for Goa. The truth of this regarding the unviability of the Mopa 
Airport can be seen from the fact that the Government was compelled to offer 15 
lakh square metres of land for pure commercial development at 2.5 FAR, which is 
very high for Goa, just to dangle a carrot so that bidders may respond.

Respected Sir, you have famously said “This country has not been made by 
politicians, kings or governments. It has been made by farmers, labourers, our 
mothers and sisters and youth.”

As farmers, labourers, mothers, sisters and youth of Goa, we come to your feet 
in confidence knowing that with such a humane mindset, you will definitely come 
to our assistance and save our way of living, our livelihood and most of all 
the environment that feeds and sustains all of us and our children and will do 
so for generations to come.

Thanking you with grateful hearts in anticipation,

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