Some information that I managed to collate from online
sources. Please correct my translations of the titles:

          Orlando da Costa (1929-2006) is known for *O Signo*
*          da Ira,* but he has also authored *A Estrada e a Voz*
          (1951); *Os Olhos sem Fronteira* (1953); *Sete Odes do*
*          Canto Comum* (1955); *Podem Chamar-me Eurídice*
          (1964), *Sem Flores nem Coroas* (1971); *Canto Civil*
          (1979); *A Como Estão os Cravos Hoje?* (1984); *Os*
*          Netos de Norton* (1994); and* O Último Olhar de Manú*
*          Miranda* (2000).

*A Estrada e a Voz* (The Road and the Voice) is a book of
poems, published by Centro Bibliografico, of 58 pages. His
second work, *Os Olhos sem Fronteira* (Eyes Without a Frontier)
was also published by the Centro Bibliográfico, and is a work
of poetry spanning 52 pages. Likewise, his third work, *Sete*
*Odes do Canto Comum* (Seven Odes of a Common Song), was also
one of poetry, a genre he took up to at the age of 15 after
being encouraged to do so by a schoolteacher in Goa,
according to his obituary in Publico

In between his novels, he wrote the play *Sem Flores nem*
*Coroas*, set amidst the last days of Portuguese rule in Goa,
amidst a Catholic family.

          *Publico* also said: "It is curious, moreover, that
          his first novel was published exactly in the year
          in which the Indian army invaded Goa, Daman and
          Diu. In a certain sense, The Sign of Wrath (which
          won the Ricardo Malheiro prize of the Lisbon
          Academy of Sciences) was a symbolic farewell. In
          real life, Orlando da Costa never lost contact with
          Goa -- and was, above all, a convinced sympathizer
          of all the independence movements, whose gestation
          he followed very closely in the House of Students
          of the Empire, where he lived with other
          charismatic individuals such as Agostinho Neto and
          Amílcar Cabral."

Literary critic Serafim Ferreira comments
[]: "Until
this time, all [Orlando da Costa's] literary production came
out in the form of poetry, fiction and theater, but as a
prose writer he achieved greater notoriety, especially after
*The Sign of Wrath* (1961), *You Could Call Me Eurydice*
(1964) or *The Children of Norton* (1994)."

Incidentally, his work *Vocations* (Evocations, 2004) was a
collection of poems commemorating the 30th anniversary of the
25th of April Revolution.

Just this week, I came across a post by M Filomena Gomes
Rodrigues of the Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, who comments
briefly on the short story "Prabhu (Chronicle of a Christmas
Night)" by Orlando da Costa.

Gomes Rodrigues writes: "Another important fact that strikes
us in this unedited story of Orlando da Costa is the date it
was written, that is, December 18, 1948. It had indeed only
been a few years since the departure of Orlando from Goa to
Lisbon. But, above all, the surprise comes because it is a
story where the writer signs under the pseudonym of Sardar
Rarri. And, as far as we know, there is only this record
which allows us to advance the hypothesis that Orlando da
Costa has considered using a pseudonym as a way of assuming a
literary identity linked to his land of Goa. We will say that
this chronicle of Sardar Rarri, pseudonym of Orlando da
Costa, is one of the texts of great sensibility and human
presence of a writer not conformed to the difficult life of
the colonized people that fought to survive and to maintain
its dignity in a society of European colonizers."

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