Our war heros

Our defense forces, army, navy, air force are the backbone of our Democracy
and all that makes us a proud country. It is  high time that we think with
highest respect and dignity the role of the defenses forces that secures
our very existence as a Nation. It is the only profession where they are
paid to die, so thye say and how true. Time and again  we are informed that
our armed forces are not properly equipped in time to deal with exigencies
and that even terrorists have more sophisticate weapons systems. It is only
war  clouds that make us think of their invaluable services., There must be
priority at the highest level to expeditiously meet all requirement of
armaments, food, facilities, equipment that make them perform professionally
,  effectively and not beg for their rights, There is always amounting
grievance grievance about their pay scales, that they have to resort to
agitation for their rightful dues in comparison ,may it be increments,
arrears, promotional avenues and post retirement benefits. There  are a lot
of vacant openings crying to be filled in the defense forces, because they
are not attractive in terms of the risk involve led and short tenures

 We glorify them in death, pompous funerals, gun salutes, attendance by
dignataries   and  use reams of printed material, electronic media to
highlight their sacrifices for a brief period. Then within a short time all
is forgotten and their families are made to run from pillar to post for
their legitimate dues and  who may not be even aware and familiar to comply
with formal the procedures and which should be completed while in service,
rather then leaving scope for differential interpretations.

There is a need to immediately provide their dues even before the funereal
is over, wherever there is a legal family and dependant children.
Platitudes and praises do not meet their financial liabilities,.
Immediately disburse  at leasttheir partial allocation and within a
specified period but not later than two months. Complete all formalities of
financial dues by cutting red tapes and unnecessary formalities and
institute a body to deal with these formalities at all state levels.  Ex
gratia payments, land allocation, housing, finance, grants, scholarship for
children education, compassionate employment must be swift and immediate.
We are all too familiar with the pains and tortures of the families of
martyrs  forced to cope up with life after the death of their loved one and
at times only bread winner. The soldiers must  in laying their life for the
safety of nation, must be assured that their families will not be left in
lurch  for basic wants and needs. The Nation that does not value  the
services of  its  forces with highest priority and with concern and
swiftness will only lament at their  halfhearted  involvement and even
 discounted  patriotism. Those physically disabled must receive sympathy,
training and rehabilitation expeditiously

Our forces therefore ,who sacrifice their life to protect us and our
borders, when we are peacefully at sleep must feel confident about the hope
that grateful nations  will value their contributions more so in their
absence .There too many forgotten heores and families that only have tears
as their best possession in distress and memories that are a permanent scar

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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