UK Cold and Dying to get to Goa.

UK Cold and Dying to ge to Goa land of warm Soil and People, Begging although 
illegal is lucrative in Breadline Britain on 17 February 2018 and in the 14 
years of Facebook I came across the first fundraiser r appeal to arrange a 
funeral in Goa for a fellow Goan  who died suddenly in London England The 
amount asked for is GBP7.500 this appears to be for a four Bedroom Coffin. I 
say this because The Goan Welfare Society UK has been having Coffin Appeals 
over the last 10 years with letters containing sob stories and unaccountable 
Basket Collections and Raffles at Goan Socials, we are told for a fixed fee of 
GBP 2100 (TWO THOUSAND ONE Hundred)A one bed Coffin will get you to GOA 
Therefore and with due respect for the Bereaved the amount asked for looks like 
a scam in Rip off Britain. Sometimes there have been appeals for around GBP 
4000 what looks like two bed coffins. There is no need to go on the Internet 
Begging for money for Funerals .The Goan Welfare Society has embedded their 
 tisement on website GOAUK.COM they currently have enough funds for the first 
one hundred coffins please direct your application to GWS Trustees in the first 
instance The people assisted so far have been Portuguese Nationals of Goan 
Orign whoclaim to have no Money.In Goanvoiceuk of 22 February there is an 
article to say that in Goa opposition members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) 
allege some ruling members of the House are wasting tome and that the NRI 
office in Goa functions like a bank clearing house of getting the dead bodies 
of Goans back to Goa A little like GWS activity in England.Any guess if 
unaccounted money is involved.

In 2018 look forward to our events, Village and Others, being free of Predatory 
emotional blackmail appeals accompanying basket collections and sobbing letters 
 Targeting the bereaved should also stop immediately Until h a list of donors 
published and actual Balance update on revenue, only then GWS and its current 
Trustees may earn its credibility and respect in the community.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey England

22 February 2018

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