From: b sabha <bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com>

From: Global Catholic Climate Movement <hello@catholicclimatemovement.global>

Let us remember the most vulnerable among us

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Dear Friends,

Pope Francis stated on the World Day of Prayer for Creation, “The world’s poor, 
though least responsible for climate change, are most vulnerable and already 
suffering its impact."

As we enter this third week of the Season of 
 we pray that the governments who are now gathered at the United Nations 
General Assembly remember this truth.  This Wednesday, September 21, they are 
invited to formalize their commitments to addressing the climate crisis by 
ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement. Let’s pray that 28 
 ratify this historic agreement so that it can come into force.

In the backdrop of this global gathering, we remember our brothers and sisters 
in East Asia where Typhoon 
 the strongest storm of 2016, battered Taiwan and China earlier this week. At 
least 10 people were killed and thousands were displaced.

May the most vulnerable among us continue to motivate us to pray, reflect and 
act for climate justice for all.


Christina on behalf of the 



In Thursday’s Laudato Si prayer session, Janet O’Sullivan led us in the 
practice of Christian meditation as taught by Fr. John Main, OSB. She shared 
Pope Francis’ words that “Many things have to change course, but it is we human 
beings above all who need to change.” (LS 202). Meditation, Janet shared, is a 
discipline which changes us through the silence during which we are 
“allowing/asking for that energy which is deepest in us, to become alive in us, 
bringing the fruits of the Spirit-love, peace, patience.”

Invitation: Find 10 minutes this weekend where you can commit to just being in 
silence with God. You can watch the 
 of the prayer session or read Janet’s 
 You can also learn more about Christian meditation on the website of the World 
Community of Christian 
 Then join our next session with Dr. Catherine Mooney Thursday, September 22 at 
8:00 AM New York EDT/2:00 PM Rome (see your local time 
 For more information click 




In Laudato Si, Pope Francis reminds us “There has been a tragic rise in the 
number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by 
environmental degradation.” (LS 25) Already in 2008, the UN said that 20 
million people were displaced because of climate change. As this number 
continues to grow, the necessary social, political, economic, and legal 
structures will need to be in place to support the migrant’s needs.

Invitation:  Imagine if you will, hearing a siren blare at 2:30 in the morning. 
Having to grab your children and what little you can carry to get out of your 
home before a flood hits. Reflect on the realities climate migrants have to 
face in a new country; new language, new customs, new faces who may look on 
them with distaste. Then think about a small way you can participate in 
positively affecting change in your community. You can also watch this 
 or view these 
 to learn about some of the communities that have already been affected by this 


In Laudato Si, Pope Francis tells us that “whenever food is thrown out it is as 
if it were stolen from the table of the poor” (LS, 50). Next weekend, September 
23-25, faith communities will be honoring Food Waste 
 to raise awareness of all the edible and wholesome food that is never 
consumed.  This includes the food that the farmer was unable to harvest, the 
grocery store chose not to sell, the food you throw out because the date on the 
packaging leads you to think that it’s no longer healthy to eat, the supersized 
portions of food served in restaurants, and the three-day old bread the market 
throws away when the next shipment comes in.

As part of Food Waste Weekend, faith leaders are encouraged to speak to their 
communities about the problem of the waste of food from their faith 
perspective. Join us as we highlight this global problem.

Invitation: Speak to your pastor, your community head, your priest and ask if 
they would be willing to speak to the congregation about food waste next 
weekend. There are many resources on the Food Waste Weekend website: 
 to help you plan, from sermon samples to background information and bulletin 



 you finish reading this email, we again invite you to spend two minutes to 
pray for your coming week, for it to be a week of deeper communion with God our 
Creator and all of creation. Say this prayer that Pope Francis released in his 
message, and continue to pray it throughout the month:

O God of the poor,

help us to rescue the abandoned

and forgotten of this earth,

who are so precious in your eyes…

God of love, show us our place in this world

as channels of your love

for all the creatures of this earth” (ibid., 246),

God of mercy, may we receive your forgiveness

and convey your mercy throughout our common home.

Praise be to you!





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