Dear Prof Girish

  The huge research work done by you is so clear that any person should be
able to understand, especially the sentence of yours which says, "papers
mentioning that there is no evidence in general, use short exposure time or
less power" should have been sufficient to convince any individual.

The Editor "The Goan", going round the bush and picking up part of your
phrases puzzled us and the South Goa villagers from taking action and who
were eager to question the authorities during or before the proceedings of
the Brics Summit.

There is a saying, it is easier to wake up a person who is sleeping than
one who is pretending to sleep.

It appears that the Editor is buying time.

I think there is no point in proceeding  further with these deliberations
and efforts put in by us to convince the Editor.


Stephen Dias

Sent from my Samsung device

On 16 Oct 2016 09:26, "Girish Kumar" <> wrote:

> Dear Derek,
> It appears that you are not reading my emails carefully and also picking
> part of the sentences.
> Let me explain again: Papers mentioning that there is no evidence or
> no conclusive evidence have been funded by cellular industry and their
> associates. Also, the papers mentioning that there is no evidence in
> general, use short exposure time or less power.
> There are nearly 4000 research papers, written by more than 1000
> scientists, reviewed by equally large number of experts and published in
> the prestigious journals, which have reported conclusive health hazards.
> *****************************************************************
> Girish Kumar
> Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
> I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
> Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
> email -,
> *****************************************************************
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 3:06 PM, <> wrote:
>> Dear Prof Kumar,
>> The argument that ‘absence of conclusive evidence does not mean absence
>> of evidence’ is a clever one used to shift the burden of proof. Does it not
>> mean you are unable to provide sufficient proof that RF waves from base
>> stations are harmful to humans.
>> Derek
>> Sent from my Windows 10 phone
>> *From: *Girish Kumar <>
>> *Sent: *15 October 2016 12:27 PM
>> *To: *Derek Almeida <>
>> *Cc: *Stephen Dias <>
>> *Subject: *Bio-initiative Reports of 2007 and 2012
>> Dear Derek,
>> I had written that  25000 papers mentioned that there are no affects or
>> there is no conclusive evidence. No conclusive evidence does not mean no
>> evidence. Also,
>> it is reported that nearly 75% of these papers are paid by cellular
>> industry or their associates.
>> Also, how can you ignore 3800 research papers, written by more than 1000
>> scientists, reviewed by equally large number of experts and published in
>> the prestigious journals,
>> which have reported health hazards.
>> With regards.
>> *****************************************************************
>> Girish Kumar
>> Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>> I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>> Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
>> email -,
>> *****************************************************************
>> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Derek Almeida <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Prof Kumar,
>> If there are 25,000 research papers which say RF waves from mobile towers
>> have no effect on human health what is the basis for the claim that RF
>> waves cause cancer.?
>> Derek
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Girish Kumar <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Derek,
>> I agree with you that a lot of scientists, doctors and government have
>> criticized it.
>> Cell phone/tower industry and their associates criticized the report
>> citing other reports and references. It is obvious that cell tower industry
>> will criticize as they have vested interests. Almost all the Govts of the
>> world have raised Billions of dollars by spectrum auction and hence some of
>> their bodies support the views which  pleases cellular industry. Many
>> scientists and doctors have been paid to support cellular industry.
>> Bio-Initiative Reports of 2007 and 2012 have given references of 3800
>> research papers, written by more than 1000 scientists, reviewed by equally
>> large number of experts and published in the prestigious journals. All
>> these cannot be wrong.
>> It is also true that there are nearly 25000 papers mentioning that there
>> are no affects
>> or there is no conclusive evidence. No conclusive evidence does not
>> mean no evidence.
>> I have myself gone through 1000+ papers and interacted with larger number
>> of people,
>> who have developed health problems like headache, irritation, hearing
>> problem, and
>> even cancer. Many of these things, I have reported in my three
>> newsletters, which have
>> been forwarded to you by Stephen Dias.
>> You can correlate cellular industry with cigarette industry, which for
>> decades have been
>> denying health hazards of smoking and they paid researchers and doctors
>> to support their claim. Now, it is known and being advertised that "Smoking
>> Kills".
>> With regards.
>> *****************************************************************
>> Girish Kumar
>> Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>> I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>> Tel. - (022) 2576 7436 (Off.), (022) 2572 2128 (Res.)
>> Cell - 98201 34672
>> email -,
>> *****************************************************************
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Derek Almeida <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Prof,
>> You claim that the   is authentic. The problem is, a lot of scientists,
>> doctors and government have criticised it as being biased and one-sided.
>> Derek
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 9:35 PM, Girish Kumar <>
>> wrote:
>> Recd the following email. My comments are as follows:
>> Bio-Initiative Report 2012 - most authentic report
>> The Bio-Initiative Report 2012 is prepared by 29 scientists and health
>> experts from 10 countries and was uploaded in Jan. 2013 to create awaress.
>> It is an update of Bio-Initiative Report 2007, which was published by
>> Bio-Initiative Working Group that looked at more than 2,000 peer reviewed
>> studies documenting bio-effects and adverse health effects from EMF
>> exposures. They recommended safe radiation density of 1 milliwatts/m2 for
>> outdoor and 0.1 milliwatts/m2 for indoor continuous exposure.
>>  Bio-Initiative 2012 assessed 1800 new research papers (from 2006 to
>> 2011) and mentioned that Bio-effects are clearly established and occur
>> at very low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency
>> radiation. Even at 0.03 milliwatts/m2, researchers have reported
>> headaches, concentration difficulties and behavioral problems in children
>> and adolescents; and sleep disturbances, headaches and concentration
>> problems in adults. Public safety standards are 1,000 – 10,000 or more
>> times higher than levels now commonly reported in mobile phone base station
>> studies to cause bio-effects.
>> Cell phone/tower industry and their associates criticized the report
>> citing other reports and references.
>> It is obvious that cell tower industry will criticize as they have vested
>> interests. Almost all the Govts of the world have raised Billions
>> of dollars by spectrum auction and hence some of their bodies support the
>> views which  pleases cellular industry.
>> However, according to me, Bio-Initiative Reports of 2007 and 2012 are the
>> most authentic reports on this subject, giving references of 3800 research
>> papers, written by more than 1000 scientists, reviewed by equally large
>> number of experts and published in the prestigious journals.
>> *****************************************************************
>> Girish Kumar
>> Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
>> I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
>> Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
>> email -,
>> *****************************************************************
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Stephen Dias <>
>> wrote:
>> I am replying it .dear Derek.
>>  Just I have to go to my sister place for our Lady statue coming today
>> evening. Later I shall reply after I return from there.
>> Thanks for info.
>> Stephen
>> date 12.10.2016 at 5.54 PM
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---------------------
>> On 12 October 2016 at 17:04, Derek Almeida <> wrote:
>> Dear Stephen,
>> This is a link from Wikepedia on the Bioinitiative report. It has been
>> heavily criticised for being unscientific. It was self published without
>> peer review. Please check the link.
>> Derek
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:18 AM, Stephen Dias <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Derek,
>>   Your reply  to my detailed article sent to you earlier with attachments
>> on radiation from mobile towers in response to your three questions raised
>> by you failed to publish i.e
>> i) Proof that radiation from Mobile Towers is harmful to humans.
>> ii) Because the WHO says it is not .
>> iii) The US cancer society also rules out Mobile Towers radiation as a
>> cause of cancer.
>> You apparently did not accept our claims and said that they do not stand
>> scientific scrutiny and that the cases judged by you are stray cases of
>> cancer with no conclusive proof that tower radiation was the cause.
>> I, alongwith with my fellow scientific personnel, Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT
>> expert and Prakash Munshi felt  very much unhappy and surprised that you as
>> Editor did not accept our claim, although such an intensive work was
>> carried out by the scientific community which failed to get approval from
>> you.
>> In order to support of our claim, I am attaching more information which
>> may be considered in the public interest as there are enough proofs that
>> people have  suffered and died of cancer due to radiation.
>> Look  Prof. Girish Kumar in addition to earlier data, has attached now,
>> conclusion of nearly 2000 scientific papers, which say there are various
>> health problems associated with cell phone/tower radiation.
>> Prof. Kumar  has also attached PPT on Cell-Tower-Radiation which contains
>> Interphone study of 5117 brain tumor cases, by the Austrian Medical Assoc
>> Guidelines, Epidemic studies in several
>> countries, biological health issues, and so on.
>>  Mr Prakash Munshi commented further whether any medical doctor can give
>> proof that the cancer was not due to EMFR?
>> You, as Editor of "The Goan" may consider my article for publication and
>> i feel it is for the public to agree or disagree with our findings.
>> With regards.
>>   Stephen Dias,
>>   Dona Paula
>> *two attacments

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