Hello, I have been looking for tutorials on Golang TDD Rest API but I have 
not been finding any.
Am not interested in using a framework.

Am interested in a TDD CRUD REST API.

The test I have written returns
controllers/admin.go:18: undefined: a in a.DB

This is what I have so far.
func CreateAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var admin models.Admin
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    if err := decoder.Decode(&admin); err != nil {
        helpers.RespondWithError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid request 
    defer r.Body.Close()
    if err := admin.CreateAdmin(a.DB); err != nil {
helpers.RespondWithError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
helpers.RespondWithJSON(w, http.StatusCreated, admin)

type Admin struct {
ID    int     `json:"id"`
Name  string  `json:"name"`
Company string `json:"company"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`

func (p *Admin) CreateAdmin(db *sql.DB) error {
err := db.QueryRow("INSERT INTO admins(name, company, username, password) 
VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING id", p.Name, p.Company, p.Username, 

if err != nil {
return err

return nil

func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()

// admin routes
router.HandleFunc("/admin", controllers.CreateAdmin).Methods("GET")
        log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9000", router))

func TestCreateAdmin(t *testing.T) {
payload := []byte(`{"name":"new admin", "company":"localhost", 
"username":"ad...@localhost.com", "password":"admin"}`)

request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/admin", bytes.NewBuffer(payload))

if err != nil {

recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler := http.HandlerFunc(controllers.CreateAdmin)
handler.ServeHTTP(recorder, request)

if recorder.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Errorf("bad response code, wanted %v got %v", recorder.Code, 

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