
I found that if I use timeout mixed with another chan which is heavily 
communicated with other goroutines, it could lead to dead lock or something 
inside select

Here is the codes:

for {
select {
case x := <-ch:
// handling business logic begin (about 38+ message pushed to this chan at 
the same time) 
// handling business logic end
* case <-btimeout:*
* stop <- 1*
* stats(requests, done, fails, time.Duration(bench_timeout), starttimes, 
* return*
* case <-timeout:*
* switch {*
* case totals == 0:*
* stop <- 1*
* stats(requests, done, fails, time.Duration(duration), starttimes, 
* return*
* default:*
* stop <- 0*
* init_timeout_trigger(duration, timeout)*
When I run the code and the communication between channel "ch" up to 4600+, 
the "select" handling will run into dead
When I commented the two case of "*btimeout*" and "*timeout*", then 
everything will be OK

So, I suspect if the "select" keyword may have bug in scheduling each true 
case fairly while timeout event not triggered at all 

Could anyone explain to me if it is a bug with "select" or just my usage is 
incorrect? thanks.

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