I use my own "automatic" type assertion library:


El jueves, 9 de junio de 2016, 22:39:46 (UTC+2), Pablo Rozas-Larraondo 
> Sorry I should have been more clear exposing the problem. What I meant by 
> "automatic type assertion" was something like:
> If a is a variable of type interface{}:
> b := a.(a.(type)) as a way of getting a's value in its own type.
> As I'm writing this, I'm realising of the problem behind this though. The 
> type of b would be unkown and reflection ,or a type switch, would be 
> required to get its type again. So, there's no benefit in such a function I 
> guess.
> Thank you for your responses, sorry for the confusion and please comment 
> if you see it in a different way.
> Pablo
> On 10 Jun 2016, at 12:36 AM, Jan Mercl <0xj...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:13 PM Pablo Rozas Larraondo <
> p.rozas....@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> > Does anyone know the reason why Go doesn't offer an automatic type 
> assertion of an interface into its underlying type? I know this could be 
> achieved by using a type switch or safe type assertions (b, ok := a.(int)) 
> but I'm wondering why this operation was not simplified or included as a 
> function in the reflection package.
> Please elaborate a bit more on what do you mean by "automatic type 
> assertion" and please give some small example of how you would design the 
> language feature and/or the reflection package functionality. Thanks.
> -- 
> -j

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