i'm still trying to learn golang when i chance upon the code below. i'm 
aware of function return types like int or float, and such but not a 
function. how does one interpret the return value of below code?

*package mainimport "fmt"// fibonacci is a function that returns// a 
function that returns an int.func fibonacci(x int) func() int {  if x <= 1 
{    return x  } else {    return fibonacci(x-1) + fibonacci(x-2)  }  
return 0}func main() {  f := fibonacci()  for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {    
fmt.Println(f())  }}*

when run, it shows below errors:

*./prog.go:9:10: cannot use x (variable of type int) as type func() int in 
return statement./prog.go:11:10: invalid operation: operator + not defined 
on fibonacci(x - 1) (value of type func() int)./prog.go:13:9: cannot use 0 
(untyped int constant) as func() int value in return 
statement./prog.go:17:7: not enough arguments in call to fibonacci    have 
()    want (int)*

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