I've had some luck across golang version changes by recompiling 
github.com/nsf/gocode, which I believe go-plus uses for autocompletion.

On Friday, December 16, 2016 at 7:14:59 AM UTC-5, Diego Medina wrote:
> Hi,
> I have seen similar posts to this but I could not find any of them so 
> posting this.
> I went ahead and installed the latest beta to try it out, both my apps at 
> work work ok with it (yeah!), but now go-plus in Atom (and the autocomplete 
> plugin) won't autocomplete any more, it just offers "PANIC" as any 
> autcomplete.
> 1. What's the proper way to handle this issue.
> 2. Could this be added to the https://golang.org/doc/install page.
> When I previously run into this issue, I ended up making a mess of my 
> install, I think I deleted everything in $GOPATH and then one by one 
> started go get'ting everything I needed. I was fine with it because after 
> all, I love using Go, but my co-workers will be less willing to do all the 
> manual work just to get a new version going, so I'm hoping there is a 
> simple step I can tell them to follow to go from one version to the next.
> Thanks.
> Diego

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