Hello all,

Could type parameters be omitted when they could be inferred in struct 

Here's a scenario that doesn't work today 
package main

import (

type BinaryTree(type T) struct {
Value       T
Left, Right *BinaryTree(T)

func main() {
n := int(42)
tree := BinaryTree{
Value: n,
Left:  {Value: n - 1},
Right: {Value: n + 1},


Instead we must be explicit at every struct literal instantiation which 
quickly becomes quite cluttered 

package main

import (

type BinaryTree(type T) struct {
Value       T
Left, Right *BinaryTree(T)

func main() {
n := int(42)
tree := BinaryTree(int) {
Value: n,
Left:  &BinaryTree(int){Value: n - 1},
Right: &BinaryTree(int){Value: n + 1},


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