hi, guys. I use https://github.com/willf/bloom in production, I store the data 
into the bloom filter first, and then store the bloom filter into the cache, 
but there is a problem, when I want to insert the data into the bloom filter , 
I need to take the bloom filter out of the cache first, then insert the data, 
and finally store the bloom filter in the cache. Inserting data into the Bloom 
filter causes a lot of performance consumption, how do I need to optimize it? 
Because it is a distributed system, there will be inconsistencies in directly 
storing the bloom filter in memory.  
在2011年5月21日星期六 UTC+8 22:35:53<William Waites> 写道:

> * [2011-05-21 07:24:05 -0700] Will Fitzgerald <will.fi...@gmail.com> 
> �crit:
> ] I've written an implementation of Bloom filters, using the BitSet 
> package. 
> ] You can find it at
> ] 
> ] https://github.com/willf/bloom
> ] 
> ] As usual, comments welcome. 
> Hello, a while ago I made something similar:
> https://bitbucket.org/ww/bloom
> I guess the main differences are that the hash algorithm is
> configurable when creating the filter and that instead of providing
> the number of hashes up front and estimating the false positive
> probability, you provide the probability and it calculates the number
> of hashes it needs. I think users of the package have an easier time
> getting a handle on p than k.
> Apart from that, BitSet is nice if it had existed a few months ago
> I could have avoided a lot of messy arithmetic :)
> Cheers,
> -w
> -- 
> William Waites <mailto:w...@styx.org>
> http://river.styx.org/ww/ <sip:w...@styx.org>
> F4B3 39BF E775 CF42 0BAB 3DF0 BE40 A6DF B06F FD45

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