Since read and send messages are in different functions/goroutines, when an 
error occurs, how can they be synchronized? 

Suppose I set up a listen goroutine by this function below, with `conn` as 
a global variable of the connection:

func listen(){
_, message, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil{

//analyze the message

Of course, I have the close function and send function:
func (c *Conn) close(){
if c != nil{
c = nil

func (c *Conn) send(){
err=c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, data)
if err != nil{

This brings up the synchronization problem:

An connection error could occur in either occasion, and a new connection 
could be coming in.
Therefore is there an implied synchronization in the connection?

For example, as the err by `c.WriteMessage` occurs, 
the `conn.ReadMessage()` would raise out an error, 
so the goroutine on `listen` would close by itself.

Or, if the `conn.close()` gets called, and `c.close()` gets executed, the `
conn.ReadMessage()` would raise out an error, 
so the goroutine on `listen` would close by itself.

If either of the above is true, I call the disconnection synchronization 

Otherwise, I am worried that `conn.ReadMessage()` would wait for too long 
(even indefinitely), 
or `conn=nil` could raise panic?

Thanks for your read, and what is your thought?


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