Hi gophers,

I would like to know which dependencies are embedded in generated Go 
binary, along with their version. I though at first that they were listed 
in *go.sum* file, but it seems that this is not the case.

I found two different ways to do so:
- Running "go version -m my-binary"
- Calling runtime.debug API in my code, as follows:

func buildInfo() {
    buildInfo, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo()
    if !ok {
        panic("Can't read BuildInfo")
    for _, dep := range buildInfo.Deps {
        fmt.Printf(" %s %s\n", dep.Path, dep.Version)

func main() {
    // print build info if -info passed on command line
    if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "-info" {

These two methods produce the same list. Does anyone confirm that this is 
the way to list embedded dependencies in a Go binary?

Another question related to this one:

Let's say I use dependencies A and B that both use C in two different 
versions. According to my own experience, it seems that Go will embed only 
one of these versions, the latest one. Is this correct?

Best regards

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