I've been playing with Go and Microsoft Graph and decided to combine the 
two and have been writing a "wrapper" API to the RESTful Microsoft Graph 
APIs.The source is available at https://github.com/bnixon67/msgraph4go

Microsoft Graph exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on 
various Microsoft cloud services, including OneDrive, OneNote, 
Outlook/Exchange, SharePoint, Azure Active Directory, etc...

There are SDKs for some popular languages, but I didn't find any for Go.

This has been a great learning experience and I've been impressed with how 
easily Go supports this type of work, with standard libraries for OAuth2, 
HTTP requests, JSON conversion to Go types, etc...

I welcome any feedback or input. I plan to continue to expand the package 
to support more of the Microsoft Graph APIs. So far, I've only done 
read-only operations, but I am considering writing a OneDrive Sync client.


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