Two thoughts about the contracts proposal:

   - In the proposal a contract is loosely defined as the resulting 
   implications from a function. In the interests of starting a discussion, it 
   seems like a great starting place. However, it feels like it would be 
   useful to spell it out in the draft proposal. Otherwise, discussions about 
   whether a contract syntax is the best form are difficult to assess.
   - Since the contract is loosely defined as following the syntax of a 
   function, that leaves open the opportunity for contracts that specify the 
   same thing to be written in radically different ways. Go's strength stems 
   in part from the clarity of purpose for the code written in Go.

What's defined in a contract, made explicit - is this an exhaustive list?

   - Which operators work on an instance of a type (==, <, >, ++, --)?
   - What can an instance of the type be cast to?
   - What is the base type of the type? (int, float, int64, string, 
   struct{}, [], map[], interface{}...).
   - What method signatures can be found on an instance of a type?
   - What members and their types can be found in instances of structure 

Does that capture it?

Clarified this way, it seems clear that generics support could be added to 
the language over time, instead of in one gigantic change. For example, 
what if the generics implementation, in its first manifestation, didn't 
support all the operators? That capability could be added in the future, 
without breaking backward compatibility. Or, in the first iteration, 
perhaps "range" could only be used on generic slices, instead of also 
including maps?

As to the imprecise syntax of the contract, the more I think about it, the 
more I think I want an explicit contract syntax, instead of a mock function 
syntax. The mock syntax approach means that different portions of the Go 
community could develop different "idioms" for specifying the same thing, 
which runs in the opposite direction of how the Go team has traditionally 
defined the language.

Having said all that, I'm pleased to see the thought that has gone into the 
proposal. Thanks so much for all the hard work.


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