I have this layout:
mylib/go.mod # module github.com/me/mylib
All this works fine, with both .go files being in the same pkg: mylib.

However, there are some tests that I can't really do using the test module 
because they write to stdout. So I want to create an exe for regression 

In particular I want the regression tester to be in package main (just like 
an app that uses mylib).

I've tried this layout:
mylib/go.mod # module github.com/me/mylib
But I can't get the import to work:
package main

import (

func main() {
    parser := mylib.Parser()
    fmt.Println(parser.AppName(), parser.Version())
The error I get is `tester/tester.go:8:2: package garg is not in GOROOT`, 
which is perfectly correct.
So then I tried to change the import to `../mylib`, but that also produces 
an error, `tester/tester.go:8:2: "../mylib" is relative, but relative 
import paths are not supported in module mode`

Is what I'm trying to do possible? If so, how? If not, what d'you recommend?

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