Hi all,
I've been struggling a lot to replicate a C++ code that uses 
*WinVerifyTrustEx* function in go  and I've found a discrepancy between the 
*WTD_STATEACTION_VERIFY* value defined in the file types_windows.go 
and the value defined in msdn 
documentation (and sdk *WinTrust.h*).
After changing the value to 1 in my code it started working fine. I checked 
in master code and the issue (typo) is still present. I also checked the 
issues in github and this one was not reported yet.
I also notice the lack of implementation of functions 
*WTHelperProvDataFromStateData* and *WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChain *(I 
implemented them using the *NewLazySystemDLL *and* NewProc*), will those be 
included in the future?

Thanks in advance,

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