
I'm trying to parse an XML with golang but I'm having a hard time creating 
a parser for the string, in fact I couldn't even get an output using 

package main

import (

type MMXML_Listing struct {
        Original_title string `xml:"title"`
        Original_desc   string `xml:"description"`
        Original_domain   string `xml:"displayurl"`
        Original_URL   string `xml:"clickurl"`

type MMXML_HostProperties struct {
    Tags    []MMXML_Listing    `xml:"response>adverts>advert"`
const s = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><response><adverts 
results="1" search="806848020741095496" query="whatsapp" country="XX" 
platform="zzz" currency="USD" guid="FP."><advert id="0" 
provider="0" bid="1" campaign="1" copy="1" network="1" sector="0" 

func main() {
    r := MMXML_HostProperties {}
    err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &r)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%+v", r)

playground: https://play.golang.org/p/BbsrKYFPj5-

Basically I want to get the elements within "advert" tag, however it always 
returns empty. Any ideas why?

As for the "bid" attribute within "adverts" tag, what would be the 
appropiate approach?

Thanks in advance.

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