In addition to Joshua's suggestion, I would point to Composition. Something 
like this:

// Anything with a GetComment implicitly implements this Interface
type AsmComment interface {
      GetComment() string // presuming any line could have a comment

type AsmEntry interface {
      GetEntry() string // renders the full line as it would be in the 
file, maybe

type Comment struct {
      Comment string

func (c *Comment) GetComment() string {
     return c.Comment;

// Can labels have comments as well? This implementation says no, but it 
does implement AsmEntry
type Label string

func (l Label) GetEntry() {
      return l

type Instruction interface {
    GetMnemonic() string
    GetArgsLen() int
    GetArg(int) string

// By including Comment without a name, it is 'embedded', composed into the 
IntelInstruction struct, which means that IntelInstruction fulfills the 
// AsmComment interface automatically
type IntelInstruction struct {
    Mnemonic string
    Args []string


// The presence of this function fulfills the AsmEntry interface.
func (i IntelInstruction) GetEntry() string {
    //Do stuff here

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