Go is very intent on not implicitly casting types. This makes the 
expression of a destructuring assignment difficult to imagine in Go. The 
following represents a proposal to express both destructuring assignment 
(x,y := ZtoXandY(Z)) and aggregating assignment (x := XfromYandZ(y, z)), 
across arbitrary but assignable constituent types, with a syntax that has 
no compatibility risk, and which feels idiomatic to Go.

The following is based on the Go2 Language change proposal guidelines, 
found on the golang github. 

   - I am an intermediate Golang developer, with a few years under my belt, 
   but in a mixed-languages environment.
   - I claim proficiency in C/++, Javascript/Typescript, Rust, 
   and....*ahem*python*ahem*-What'd I say? oh, nothing, nothing. Passing 
   familiarity with BASIC, PHP, ColdFusion, and Java.
   - This change will likely have little net impact on difficulty. It adds 
   a new syntactic form, but allows convenience patterns that more experienced 
   devs would have baked in, or which might be precluded by external 
   constraints, without requiring any refactoring.
   - Similar concepts have been proposed, but for specific use-cases. [1] 
   [2] <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/45049>. This proposal describes 
   a syntax that accidentally serves both earlier use-cases.
   - The proposal specifically considers API implementation having external 
   contracts allowing for type-conflation, but also modeling and graphics 
   - The proposed change is as follows:
      - The proposal guidelines suggest clarifying what specific changes 
      would be needed, the impact this would have on the Go language spec, and 
      then an informal description of the language change. Starting with an 
      explanation of the utility of the proposal:
         - Given that any allocated type can be described by the pair of a 
         raw pointer and length, and may then be interpreted validly or 
invalidly by 
         any type which has the same value domain and size, the following 
            - These statements are well-defined, correlate well to literal 
            instructions, and should be legal:
               - zero_th, one_th, two_th := [3]int{10,20,30}
               - zero_th, one_th, two_th := struct{One,Two,Three 
               - converted := [3]int{10,20,30}.{struct{One,Two,Three int}}
               - converted := struct{One,Two,Three int}{10,20,30}.{[3]int}
               - partial, two_th := [3]int{10,20,30}.{[2]int, int}
               - partial, two_th := struct{One,Two,Three 
               int}.{struct{One,Two int}, int}
               - partial, _ := [3]int{10,20,30}.{[2]int, int}
               - _, two_th := struct{One,Two,Three int}.{struct{One,Two 
               int}, int}
            - Conversely, such a syntactic feature should render the 
            following statements illegal, as they include declared variables, 
            the assignments as implicit type conversions.
               - var zero_th, one_th, two_th uint = [3]int{10,20,30}
               - var zero_th, one_th, two_th *int = [3]int{10,20,30}
            - If that is dealt with by providing an explicit cast with 
            memory compatible types, the following should be legal:
               - var zero_th, one_th, two_th uint 
               =  [3]int{10,20,30}.{[3]uint}
               - var zero_th, one_th, two_th uint 
               =  [3]int{10,20,30}.{uint, uint, uint}
            - Because the class of statement represents a reinterpretation 
            of that memory, constrained by type-memory compatibility, the 
            also should be legal:
               - var zero_th, one_th, two_th *int; *zero_th, *one_th, 
               *two_th = [3]int{10,20,30}
            - A point I expect to be controversial would be the following 
            related statement:
               - var r *struct{X,Y int}; *r  = struct{X,Y,Z 
               int}.{struct{X,Y int}, int}
            - More controversial still would be the following, for reasons 
            I trust are obvious:
               - var r *struct{X,Y int}; *r  = struct{x,y,z 
               int}.{struct{X,Y int}, int}
            - An important class of statements that I believe would be 
         immensely convenient, but which I expect to be controversial is in a 
         situation as follows. Given the following definitions:
            - type Point struct{X, Y float64}
            - Box struct{X,Y,W,H float64}
            - Circle struct{XY,R float64}
            - func Move(p *Point)...
            - boxes := []*Box{&Box{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, &Box{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 
            - circles := []*Circle{&Circle{1.0,1.0, 1.0}, &Circle{0.0,1.0, 
         - I propose the following syntax be legal:
            - var p *Point; for _, box := range boxes {; *p, _ = 
            box.{Point, Point}; Move(p);}
            - var p *Point; for _, circle := range circles {; *p, _ = 
            circle.{Point, float64}; Move(p);}
         - While clearly interfaces are an existing solution for a problem 
         such as above, the following points apply:
            -  it is most ironically an XY class problem, standing in for 
            API implement where the structure is at some level ruled by 
            contracts, and where that contract may require a large number of 
            but strongly related types. 
            - Without capability to render structured types into component 
            structured types, one can structure types as structs with the 
            types embedded, but implementing that pattern for new logic in an 
            environment can require significant refactoring. Providing 
capability to 
            re-render the memory backing a type, in a safe, type-checked 
manner, offers 
            a reduction in the amount of code needed to implement new features.
         - Above, only multiple-assignment has been exampled. 
         Single-assignment from multiple value should also be permitted, such 
            - p := Point{1.0,0.5}; var b Box; b.{Point, Point} := p, Point{}
         - Examples of situations where appropriate handling is less clear:
            - Should it be possible to reinterpret slices as slices of 
            other elements? I suggested handling arrays of primitives as being 
            interpretable as primitives and as fields of a struct, but when the 
            element type is structured data, and even more so when the element 
of a 
            slice is structured data, it's not clear that there is a natural 
way to 
            express that while maintaining rough equivalence with the 
            instructions a language element is rendered as. For instance, 
syntax such 
               - x, y, r := circles.{[]float64, []float64, []float64}
            - Would require significant compiler gymnastics to render. 
            Supporting interpretation of only the options of either the entire 
            type-qualified memory, e.g. the entire array, to the last byte, or 
            each unit individually, ensures that new compiler machinery or any 
            exceptions are not needed to interpret the symbols being processed.
            - Would casting to a new memory-width result be permitted in 
            some way? E.G. A pointer to an int is the same width as a pointer 
to a 
            uint8, and the meaning is clear, provided the referenced value fits 
in a 
            uint8, but a byte-for-byte reading of a struct with field of *int 
            thrown off by interpreting the pointer as a pointer to castable 
type. A 
            reinterpretation rendering an int as a uint8 is clearly 
inappropriate, and 
            breaks alignment. A possible solution would be to add an additional 
               - x,y,z := circles[0].{float64 as float32. float64 as 
               float32. float64 as float32}
            - It is not clear to me what level of enforcement sits behind 
            the exported-field/unexported-field language feature, but it 
strikes me as 
            potentially problematic if exportedness is not respected. I'm not 
clear on 
            whether that would mean that any unexported fields are skipped, 
            the type that much "skinnier" for importability, or if fields 
assigned from 
            using destructuring would be rendered as a zero-value, and be 
            when assigned-to. Both options seem very problematic, and it seems 
            sane to not respect exportedness. This could actually be the most 
            single issue with this proposal.
         - The impact this would have on the Go language spec is actually 
      fairly minor. Given that it uses no new symbols, and introduces only a 
      single new expression syntax. The new expression syntax is:
         - For an identifier or call expression x, and for N type 
         expressions, the following statement can be used to reinterpret the 
         representation of the value of x:
            - x.{T, ...N}
         - for x as a call expression:
            - if x returns a single primitive value, the type list may only 
            include one type expression which is one of:
               - a primitive type, which is convertible to by the type of x.
               - a single-field struct, having a field that is either a 
               simple value of a type which assignable by x, or a length-1 
array of a type 
               which is assignable by x.
               - a length-1 array of a type which is convertible by x, or a 
               struct that fits the above description
            - if x returns more than 1 primitive value, the above applies 
            between each item, matched ordinally, between the list of values 
            by x and the list of types in the type list.
            - if x returns any number of complex values:
               - each value can be reinterpreted, but any value treated so 
               must be entirely described, whether it is fully utilized in 
assignment or 
               - no combination of values on the same side of an assignment 
               operator can be made. A reinterpretation cannot span multiple 
elements of a 
               returned collection, a reinterpretation cannot span multiple 
return values, 
               and if a field in a single returned value is a compound type, it 
cannot be 
               treated as if contiguous with the fields around it. It must 
either match a 
               field entirely in the reinterpreting type, be selected as an 
               value in the the reinterpretation type list, or else that field 
can be 
               itself subject to reinterpretation as a distinct set of 1 or 
more types in 
               the type list.
               - Each field or element interpreted must be convertible to 
               the interpreting type by casting.
            - if x is an identifier, the above describes the use of x 
            subject of assignment, but x may also be used as target of 
            Where appropriate, the rules are inverted, such as if a field in x 
is a 
            complex type, it cannot be treated as contiguous with the rest of 
x, and 
            that field must be uniquely subject to one or more values on the 
            side of the assignment operator.
         - By way of informal description, Go's type system boils down to 
         just a combination of some type data and a big old lump of memory that 
         follows it. With simple, primitive values, you can easily address the 
         entirety of that lump of memory. Compound data types can be quite a 
         larger, leaving a lot of room for subtle differences and variations.
         If you have a large number of subtly different datatypes, 
         generally, you end up reproducing a lot of logic in associated methods 
         in function calls that use that data. 
         This proposal is to provide a way to mask over the parts that are 
         the same, and hide the parts that are different, and then you can 
         logic specifically for just those sections of fields that each of 
         related types share.
         There are already tools like interfaces that allow you to reduce 
         that repeated-logic load, but even with interfaces, you still 
         end up writing the same code repeatedly. Even if you shift that logic 
         associated types, you still have to write the glue code that allows 
         types each to satisfy those interfaces, and any getters/setters you 
         for behind the interface barrier.
         You can also do much of what I'm describing in this proposal today 
         by using raw pointers from the unsafe package, but this is explicitly 
         covered by any safety guarantees, and limitations on expressions 
         type identifiers can still render this a special sort of gymnastics.
         This proposal is a suggestion for a syntax to describe instances 
         of compound data types in a way that would allow such trait-centric 
         without requiring as much glue-code as with interfaces, and while 
         with the type system, to avoid potentially writing code that won't be 
         supported tomorrow.
      - This change is entirely backwards compatible. This involves a 
      symbol combination (".{") which is nowhere else valid, and is thus not at 
      risk of presenting an ambiguous API.
      - Per suggestion of example code before and after the change, in the 
      proposal section, I gave a number of examples. In most cases, the change 
      simply provides improved expressiveness, but it also introduces 
      new capabilities, as in the case of taking a reference to a struct 
      representing a subset of the fields from instances of one or more other 
      types, and acting on that struct reference as a proxy for the described. 
      This does resemble interaction as with interfaces, but promises to be 
      considerably more svelte in code-weight.
      - Tooling impact of this change isn't something I've spent time 
      considering, but I am confident that it represents impact to vet and to 
         - Otherwise, I don't expect much change. It is a focused change, 
         using existing symbols but in a combination not previously valid, and 
         not have impacts beyond the level of expression resolution. As such, 
go vet 
         would need to be enhanced to validate a new kind of expression, and 
         would need to be enhanced to properly adjust expressions bearing this 
         - This proposal was designed with symbol-resolution as an 
         important factor, and was actually inspired by going over instruction 
         representation of compiled code. As such, I'm fairly confident that 
         changes would be unobservable past IR resolution, and the runtime cost 
         would be non-existent. I'm intentionally not arguing for performance 
         benefits, but I'm much more inclined to expect improved performance 
         code using the syntax proposed, over interfaces or raw pointers.
      - I prepared a rudimentary example using raw pointers, to demonstrate 
      the concept in a few of my suggested cases. I noted the possible issue of 
      resolving unexported fields, and I am taking no steps to resolve that. 
      also not taking steps validate convertibility, and I am intending this 
      purely for demonstration.
      Turns out that when you're hastilly scribling at 4AM, you make 
      mistakes. I'll fix it later, but right now it's not passing. Also, 
      inconveniently, I wrote it using generics, meaning you'll need to compile 
      locally using the compiler param `-gcflags=-G=3` to run. As of 
      expect to see the structs only partially copied.
         - https://play.golang.org/p/mDp04vPCRvt
         - Impact on language spec was described as part of the "Proposed 
      change" section. It is stylistically similar to type annotation, but is a 
      distinct syntactic construct, and is not at risk for ambiguity with any 
      other features.
      - The orthogonality topic has been addressed, but in short this bears 
      similarity in role to the following features:
         - Interfaces: where interfaces represent generic representation 
         over method subset, this proposal represents generic representation 
         field-subset at specific offset. Where interfaces are designed around 
         applicability of implementations, this feature proposal represents 
         specific implementation of behavior which would be nearly identical 
         "implementing" types, for very specific functionality on a range of 
         different types.
         - generics: where generics offer an API by which general 
         behaviors, templating, and collection can be written to apply to many 
         possible types, this represents an API by which a very specific type 
         may exist as a subset of the fields of a range of types can be 
         once for that specific type, and rather than being general across that 
         range of types, this API offers mechanism to reduce the variety of 
types to 
         a single, distinct, concrete type, which can be subject to clearly 
      - The final three bullets are for performance goals, error handling, 
      and generics. I have explicitly avoided arguing from prospective 
      performance, though I expect some very positive implications.
      - Error handling is not covered at all under this proposal, and is 
      entirely outside of this scope.
      - This proposal is comparable to generics, being motivated by cases 
      of behavior shared across subtly different structured data types, but it 
      distinctly focused on clearly defined behavior which can apply to a range 
      of well defined types, in stark contrast to both the generics feature and 
      the well-established interfaces functionality.

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