Hi all

I have recently taken up golang and as usual the best way for me to learn is to 
read a lot and dive head in.

I am attempting to write an API client as a an exercise and i have run into 
some best practice design questions which I hope to get some feedback and ideas 
on how to best approach this.

I have a large http API in the form of


And so forth. There are several different types of resources with several 
different operations in each

What I would like to achieve in terms of API usability is this.

// Omitted all fields
client := &clientAPI{}

//Omitted arguments

And so forth.

At first I started with a simple naive implementation where i have this

type worker interface {
  NewRequest(opts ...)
  Do(Request, Response) error

where all resource methods will call NewRequest followed by a Do() reusing the 
http client logic.
>From a testability and structuring point of view I feel that the client 
>(holding things like hostname, http.client and such) should be decoupled from 
>the resource logic.

This is where i am stuck a bit.

It feels natural to have ClientAPI have 2 methods called newRequest() and Do() 
for performing the actual works and have the resource parts use those however 
how to go about that in a way that it is both test friendly, scalable and user 

Digital ocean seems to have a more elegant solution in terms of testability


However I am not a huge fan of having to manually initialize each resource in 
the client constructor manually (and they don't embed though i suppose that 
would be a non-issue as you can embedded and initialize the embedded resource 

Is there any way to achieve the level of testability and separation I see on 
the digital ocean client implementation without having to initialize each 
separate resource and pass a client into it? 

Sorry for the long post, if anybody actually reaches the end I would appreciate 
comments and feedback on how can this be done better and if i am thinking about 
this completely wrong

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