I'm trying to develop a gomobile application using a http server serving 
html and a swift client serving the content from localhost through a 
WKWebView. All the work happens inside the http handlers(i.e. http requests 
to external API servers). 
  The issue is that after several requests the application crashes with 
SIGPIPE. I've searched through issues and it seems this was a known issue 
and apparently  was fixed in [0]. How can I debug this further or is there 
any known fix? 


    0x180c5b560 <+0>: mov    x16, #-0x1f

    0x180c5b564 <+4>: svc    #0x80

->  0x180c5b568 <+8>: ret    

$ go version
go version go1.9.2 darwin/amd64


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