Set Error as return value by default from function 

Go 2 language change template:
I am a novice Go programmer.
I have also some experience with JS, Java, SQL.
These changes simplifies working with error, do cleaner code and allows to 
not remember to pass the error up the stack.
I don't find idea one like it from proposed before.
This proposal is without implementation.

Orthogonality: how does this change interact or overlap with existing 
features? - complements existing.

Is the goal of this change a performance improvement? - for developers.

What quantifiable improvement should we expect? - Reduce work with errors 
only to determine the place of their processing.

Does this affect error handling? - Yes.

How does this differ from previous error handling proposals? - complements 
the existing implementation of functions.

Is this about generics? - No.

In "What to avoid":

Other languages have not it.

My proposal states a idea rather than a solution.


All functions can be return Error by default. 

Its mean that all functions always return error = nil and if catch, than 
error != nil. 

In the place where error handling is required, then call the handling 
function (handling() or ifError() or checkError() or 
someNameFunctionErrorHandling() and etc.), here let it be checkError(). 


func anyFunc() error {var err error; return err} == func anyFunc() {}

so then

func() // if need error processing - "Any Error"
| ^
˅ |
func() // default forwarding error
| ^
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func() // getting an error - "Any Error"

Please see examples for understanding.


Example 1 


func doAny() (int, error) {
  if true{  // simulate getting an error
    return 0, Errors.New("Any Error")
  return 1, nil
main() {
  _, err := doAny()
  if err != nil {  // error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "Any Error"

New (at first glance, in the simple case, almost nothing has changed)

func doAny() int {
  if true{  // simulate getting an error
    return Errors.New("Any Error"), 0  // allways error is the first returned 
  return 1
main() {
  i := doAny()
  checkError() {  // error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "Any Error"

Example 2 


func doAny() (int, error) {
  if true{  // simulate getting an error
    return 0, Errors.New("First Error")
  return 1, nil
main() {defer func() {
  if err != nil {  // last error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "Second Error"
  _, err := doAny()
  if err != nil {  // current error processing from doAny()
    fmt.Println(err)  // "First Error"
    err = Errors.New("Second Error")

New (we are able to immediately process the first error encountered)

func doAny() int {
  if true{  // simulate getting an error
    return Errors.New("First Error"), 0
  return 1
main() {
  checkError() {  // first error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "First Error"

  defer checkError() {  // last error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "Second Error"
  i := doAny()
  checkError() {  // current error processing from doAny()
    fmt.Println(err)  //  "First Error"
  err = Errors.New("Second Error")

Example 3 


func doAny() (int, error) {
  if true{  // simulate getting an error
    return 0, Errors.New("Any Error")
  return 1, nil
func doNext() error {
  _, err := doAny()
  if err != nil {
    return err
  return nil
main() {
  err := doNext()
  if err != nil {  // error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "Any Error"

New (we can forget to forward the error, but not here)

func doAny() int {
  if true{  // simulate getting an error
    return Errors.New("Any Error"), 0
  return 1
func doNext() {
}  // just forwarding last error
main() {
  _ = doNext()

  checkError() {  // error processing
    fmt.Println(err)  // "Any Error"
    err = nil  // and can forwarding nil as error

Thank you.

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