Many have written about this; there's an index on Go wiki under 
<> including my 
own writing for the 2016 advent calendar.

I would like to propose a simpler way to solve the "optional variable 
access" part of context as a language feature.  The core problem I'm trying 
to solve is the necessity for large scale refactoring to add the ctx 
variable to every caller in a stack.  I've done this before for the purpose 
of adding log tagging, tracing, cancellation, and database 
transactions/savepoints management.  I believe it is a good fit for those 
cases.  I've also seen bad usages of it - people shoehorning required 
variables into it to escape the difficulties of rethinking their design.

The basics:

   - the runtime adds an extra stack argument for its equivalent of the 
   Context structure.
      - this argument is not directly accessible
      - it may be eliminated/optimized out by the compiler where not used
      - it may be "unrolled" to more than one stack argument for performance
   - a special keyword added for declaring/accessing 'context variables'
   - assigning to a context variable creates a new context
   - may make cancelation easy and natural

*Setting context variables*

So, for example, this use of context.Context:

type myPrivateType struct{}
var myPrivateKey myPrivateType

func someFunc(ctx context.Context, args... interface{}) {
    localInfo := &LocalInfo{}
    ctx := context.WithValue(ctx, myPrivateKey, localInfo)

Would instead be:

func someFunc(args... interface{}) {
    context var localInfo := &LocalInfo{}

*Retrieving context variables*

*Retrieving* a value would change from:

func otherFunc(ctx context.Context, args... interface{}) {
    localInfo, ok := ctx.Value(myPrivateKey).(*LocalInfo)


 func otherFunc(args... interface{}) {
     context var localInfo *LocalInfo

*Mid-function variable re-assignment*

Re-assigning a previously declared variable would have the same effect as 
re-assigning a ctx variable in scope:

func someFunc(ctx context.Context, args... interface{}) {
    localInfo, ok := ctx.Value(myPrivateKey).(*LocalInfo)
    if somecondition {
        ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, myPrivateKey, localInfo)

Would be equivalent to:

func someFunc(ctx context.Context, args... interface{}) {
    context var localInfo *LocalInfo
    if somecondition {
        localInfo = &LocalInfo{}

I wouldn't treat this exact equivalence as a hard rule; this re-assigning 
would only be expected to affect that particular context variable. 

*Public context variables*

It could also be possible to access other packages' public context 

func someFunc(args... interface{}) {
    context var pkg.FooVariable otherPkg.SomeType 

This declaration is a little weird, because it includes a package name in 
the variable name.  The immediate question is, is this variable accessed 
later as "pkg.FooVariable" or just "FooVariable"?  I would lean towards the 
former to be less surprising and to avoid potential namespace clashes.

This could be useful for log tagging; APIs would look like;

    context var logging.Tags []zap.Field
    logging.Tags = append(logging.Tags, zap.String("rqID", rqUUID))

Where logging is some project-global logging module.

This isn't quite the pattern I used in my context logging post, which was:

logging module:

    // WithRqId returns a context which knows its request ID
    func WithRqId(ctx context.Context, rqId string) context.Context {
        return context.WithValue(ctx, requestIdKey, requestId)

calling package:

    func RequestHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        rqId := uuid.NewRandom()*        rqCtx := logging.WithRqId(httpContext, 
*        ...

This one-line style of tagging a context in that last block could be 
supported with this sort of call:

    context var logging.Tags := logging.WithRqID(rqID)

In this instance, as logging.WithRqID is evaluated before the logging.Tags 
context variable is assigned, it accesses the prior value.  The function 
returns the new variable instead of an entire context.Context struct. 

*Context variable scope*

The scope of a context variable would be essentially the same as in context: 
it passes down, but not up. Declaring a context variable without 
immediately assigning it will behave as in context: if it's there, you get 
the prior value.  If it's not, you get a zero value (well, context gives 
you a nil, but the idea is the same).

This style makes it easier to identify use of uninitialized context 

func badFunc(args... interface{}) {
    context var logging.Logger zap.Logger 
    logging.Logger.Info("in badFunc()", zap.Object("args", args))

It's quite easy to see here that the logging.Logger variable might be being 
used uninitialized.  It also looks awkward.

To compare this to the logging pattern I described in my advent calendar 

func betterFunc(ctx context.Context, args... interface{}) {
    logging.WithContext(ctx).Info("in betterFunc()", 

This pattern should hide this, enabling APIs like this:

func goodFunc(args... interface{}) {
    logging.Info("in betterFunc()", zap.Object("args",args))

As this is less awkward than the 'uninitialized context variable' use case, 
I would hope that this style would become more natural and popular than the 
anti-pattern of required context variables.

*Context Cancellation*

This system could be used to re-implement context cancellation; using the 
example from the context documentation:

func Stream(ctx context.Context, out chan<- Value) error {
    for {
        v, err := DoSomething(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                return ctx.Err()
            case out <- v:

This could be written as (assuming the convention is that cancellation 
happens via a context variable in the sync package):

func Stream(out chan<- Value) error {
    context var sync.Done
    for {
        v, err := DoSomething()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        select {
            case <-sync.Done:
                return ctx.Err()
            case out <- v:

*Prior Art & Approaches in other languages*

As far as I know, only Perl 6 has this concept as an explicit language 
feature, also called "context variables" at some point (IIRC), which it now 
calls "the * twigil <*_Twigil>

Comments/thoughts welcome!

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