I would run
govendor list
Does it report any external packages? If so run "govendor add +external"

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 8:12:16 AM UTC-7, sc28 wrote:
> I have a application structure as follows in my GoPath:
> --/ myproject
>         |
>         |-- apps
>                |-- app1
>                      |-- main.go
>                |-- app2
>                      |-- main.go
>                |-- appN
>                      |-- main.go
>         |-- libs
>               |-- myCommonPackage
>                            |-- gofile1.go
>                            |-- gofile2.go
> If I go into each "app" and execute the following:
>    >govendor init
>    >govendor add +external +local
> I get the external (github) packages and my local (libs/myCommonPackage) 
> vendored int he /vendor folder and everything builds fine locally.
> Now I'm trying to use docker to build the apps, using the following 
> command:
>      docker run --rm -it  -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app 
> golang:1.7 go get     (the container's GOPATH is at /go/app)
> The goal here is to allow my DevOps guy to pull the source and build the 
> executable inside a docker container (containing GOlang). 
> The build inside the 'build' container fails on my local package (all the 
> vendored github/golang.org) are found, but it errors on the 
> /libs/myCommonPackage saying it cannot be found.
> What is a better structure that would allow me to use 'local' packages 
> that are vendored, but that could be found by the docker build container?

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