This was a great find, I am doing the same now in Windows. I've had to 
modify it a bit, I imagine has changed the image somewhat since 
the original post in 2013. I've had to remove some more of the light blue 
colors and then one more pass to get rid of the light grey radar "noise".

I'm also grabbing the pre-made gif loop, e.g.

I put all the commands for the main colors into one convert command. Since 
I was grabbing the regional loop with the state lines I couldn't use the 
Also, since I'm on Windows I had to make sure to not call the other 
"convert" (which is for NTFS filesystem conversion).

echo Processing weather gif radar_uppermissvly_loop.gif removing the blue 
colors from the radar...
set "imconvert=C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.9.2-Q8\convert.exe" 

REM the carets are for multi-lines in "DOS"
"%imconvert%" -channel rgba -alpha set -fuzz 25% -fill "#FFFFFF" -opaque 
"#3030CE" ^
-opaque "#04e9e7" -opaque "#019ff4" -opaque "#0300f4" -opaque "#0248F4" ^
-opaque "#69F2F0" radar_uppermissvly_loop.gif radar_grey.gif

echo Processing weather gif radar removing the greyish radar...
"%imconvert%"  -channel rgba -alpha set -fuzz 12% -fill "#FFFFFF" -opaque 
"#E2E2E2"  radar_grey.gif radar_clean.gif

echo Trimming down the radar to a more localized region...
%imconvert%"  -crop 260x280+277+56 -trim +repage  radar_clean.gif 

Thanks, posting in case it helps someone else who's stuck on the blue and 
grey colors (and is using the command line version in Windows or Linux).

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