[go-nuts] Re: Why should i use interface composistion

2018-03-13 Thread Henry
I would recommend doing the simplest things to make it work, and resort to 
more complex stuffs when you actually have the need for them.

In the beginning, there were no *best practices* and people just took the 
easiest way to get their jobs done. Over the years, programming practices 
evolve. There are numerous *best practices* now and -to some people- those 
ideas become almost like religious doctrines. Those *best practices* mostly 
center on the concept of encapsulation. The idea is to allow rooms for 
future changes, so that -when the changes happen- there are minimal breaks 
to the existing code. However, this extra flexibility comes at the cost of 
extra work and complexity. If you have been exposed to the modern 
programming world in the last few decades, you should know what I am 
talking about. Depending on how fanatic you are on any of these *best 
practices* ideas, some of them may actually make life very difficult for 
you, but some people persist because they believe their initial investment 
will pay in the long run. However, based on my experience, people often end 
up creating these elaborate schemes for changes that never come. Some 
changes that did come are often unexpected and you still end up breaking 
many parts of the code any way. It often gets even worse as you now have to 
deal with the complex design that you created before. 

I am not saying that you should go primeval with your programming practice. 
You should strive to make your life easy and let the code evolves as the 
needs for it arise. 

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 1:06:23 PM UTC+7, Reinhard Luediger wrote:

> Dear all,
> as far as I know it is recommended to keep actual interfaces as small as 
> possible and to form bigger interfaces via interface composiston. 
> Would be great if the community could advise me what the real benefits are.
> Lets say i want to create an interface for the database backend like the 
> following example.
> //CleanupTimestamps is the interface which holds all methods related to 
> cleanupTimestamps
> type CleanupTimestamps interface {
>SaveCleanupTimeStamp(taskName string, timestamp time.Time) (err error)
>GetCleanupTimeStamp(taskName string) (timestamp *time.Time, err error)
> }
> //ClusterFlavors interface holds all methods related to clusterFlavor
> type ClusterFlavors interface {
>CreateClusterFlavor(Name string, tx StoreTransaction) (Flavor 
> datatypes.ClusterFlavorPersisted, err error)
>UpdateClusterFlavor(ID string, Name string, tx StoreTransaction) (err 
> error)
>MarkClusterFlavorDeleted(ID string, tx StoreTransaction) (err error)
>DeleteClusterFlavorPermanent(ID string, tx StoreTransaction) (err error)
>ReadClusterFlavor(ID string) (Flavor datatypes.ClusterFlavorPersisted, err 
> error)
>ListClusterFlavors(Includedeleted bool) (Flavors 
> []datatypes.ClusterFlavorPersisted, err error)
> }
> //Store is the interface to encapsulate the Storage  Backend
> type Store interface {
>MustBegin() (tx StoreTransaction)
> }
> Why should I create it in that fashion if I ever use the Store interface 
> in my cod? Or what are the drawbacks if I put all methods needed directly 
> into the Store interface?
> kind regards
> Reinhard

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[go-nuts] Re: Why should i use interface composistion

2018-03-13 Thread matthewjuran
Interfaces are not for grouping variable behavior, interfaces are for 
allowing generic code to apply to varying data structures.

Consider a struct of function fields for grouping variable behavior without 
a backing data structure.

If your interface type is not an input in the same package then you didn’t 
need an interface.

I’m not convinced these three types should be interfaces.


On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 1:06:23 AM UTC-5, Reinhard Luediger wrote:
> Dear all,
> as far as I know it is recommended to keep actual interfaces as small as 
> possible and to form bigger interfaces via interface composiston. 
> Would be great if the community could advise me what the real benefits are.
> Lets say i want to create an interface for the database backend like the 
> following example.
> //CleanupTimestamps is the interface which holds all methods related to 
> cleanupTimestamps
> type CleanupTimestamps interface {
>SaveCleanupTimeStamp(taskName string, timestamp time.Time) (err error)
>GetCleanupTimeStamp(taskName string) (timestamp *time.Time, err error)
> }
> //ClusterFlavors interface holds all methods related to clusterFlavor
> type ClusterFlavors interface {
>CreateClusterFlavor(Name string, tx StoreTransaction) (Flavor 
> datatypes.ClusterFlavorPersisted, err error)
>UpdateClusterFlavor(ID string, Name string, tx StoreTransaction) (err 
> error)
>MarkClusterFlavorDeleted(ID string, tx StoreTransaction) (err error)
>DeleteClusterFlavorPermanent(ID string, tx StoreTransaction) (err error)
>ReadClusterFlavor(ID string) (Flavor datatypes.ClusterFlavorPersisted, err 
> error)
>ListClusterFlavors(Includedeleted bool) (Flavors 
> []datatypes.ClusterFlavorPersisted, err error)
> }
> //Store is the interface to encapsulate the Storage  Backend
> type Store interface {
>MustBegin() (tx StoreTransaction)
> }
> Why should I create it in that fashion if I ever use the Store interface 
> in my cod? Or what are the drawbacks if I put all methods needed directly 
> into the Store interface?
> kind regards
> Reinhard

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[go-nuts] Re: Why should i use interface composistion

2018-03-13 Thread prades . marq
The answer is it depends on the context. There is no way to answer that 
question without looking at the full codebase and what method will call a 
type implementing the Store interface. In general, you should only put the 
methods in an interface the consumer of a value will use.

given a function Print 

func Print(s Shape){

if Shape is an interface, there is no need to have a method "Rotate" in 
that interface. Shape should only be 

type Shape interface{

and defined in the same package as Print. An interface should be defined 
based on what the consumer of that inerface need, nothing else. 

In your snippet, if the consumer of Store never calls 
DeleteClusterFlavorPermanent then it should not be in Store interface. 

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[go-nuts] Re: Why should i use interface composistion

2018-03-13 Thread Jason E. Aten
A good guideline for newcomers is to avoid creating any interfaces at all.

Start with writing structs + methods first.

Interfaces impose requirements on client code. Keeping them small
means clients have fewer requirements.

Let the need for an interface arise naturally during evolution
of your code, when you have two things that need to act the same.
Take the minimal intersection of that need. That becomes a
method on a new interface.

Also, try not to return interfaces from functions or methods. Rather
consume them as input arguments and
return pointers to concrete structs when needed. 

This also makes it easier for clients to use
your code.

Quoting https://rakyll.org/typesystem/

> You can always embed interfaces later but you cannot decompose large ones.

> Language ecosystems with classical inheritance is often suffering from 
excessive level of indirection and premature abstractions based on 
inheritance which later makes the code complicated and unmaintainable.

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