On Thursday, 17 August 2017 09:11:12 UTC+2, Lucio wrote:
> On Friday, 11 August 2017 15:31:37 UTC+2, Terry An wrote:
>> My private key is generated by "openssl req -new -x509 -keyout a.key -out 
>> a.crt -days 3650" with password.
>> It seems you have a PKCS8 encrypted key, which needs somewhat special 
> treatment from the Go crypto library.
> I did a bit more investigating and found this issue: 

*crypto/x509: no support for parsing encrypted PKCS8 private keys **#8860*

I don't quite know enough to figure out for myself whether lack of support 
for BER (as opposed to DER) in the "encoding/asn1" standard library is a 
show stopper. If it is, any attempts to use encrypted PKCS8 will be doomed 
as the effort involved is significant.

Maybe it is possible to add an "encoding/asn1/ber" extension, but my ASN.1 
knowledge has slipped considerably since I stopped working in that 


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