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Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2016 7:35 PM‎
To: Abridged recipients
Subject: [go-nuts] Abridged summary of - 24 updates in 11 topics

mhhcbon <>: Sep 17 03:53AM -0700

i m wondering if one can use reflect to extract at runtime the body and and
signature of a Func or 'Public method' ?
Will a reflect.Value.String of a Method give me that data ?
...more Sep 17 02:09PM -0700

Use the Type:
On Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 3:53:35 AM UTC-7, mhhcbon wrote:
...more Sep 16 10:24PM -0700

Hello everyone,
I am using Go version 1.7.1 on a 32-bit version of Windows 10 and cannot
view the contents of the address localhost:1234.
I created a server at the aforementioned address or at ...more
Dave Cheney <>: Sep 17 12:58PM -0700

Move http.ListenAndServe to the top of the main() function, outside the
http.HandleFunc call and it will work.
Shawn Milochik <>: Sep 17 03:58PM -0400

The ListenAndServe shouldn't be in the handler function.
When you run this app, does it exit immediately? Because it looks like it
exits immediately. Not serving anything.
...more Sep 17 06:32AM -0700

My Go application has both standard http (on port 80) and SSL (on port 443)
I continuously get these 3 kinds of error:
*http2: server: error reading preface from client ...more
Rodolfo Amaral <>: Sep 17 07:15AM -0700

I know this topic is a bit old, but I needed it recently on Windows and
I'll post here how I did it in case someone else needs.
I used Windows mutex as described by
var ( ...more
Srivathsan Madhavan <>: Sep 17 12:29AM -0700

Hi all,
My apologies; I very well understand that the answers to my question here
could be subjective / opinions yet I would like to know if I could really
continue banking on this Websockets. ...more
Fei Ding <>: Sep 16 08:30PM -0700

Please check this code snippet:
package main
import (
type field struct {
name string
func (p *field) print() {
} ...more
Marvin Stenger <>: Sep 17 04:18AM -0700

Because print() is called on different pointer values.
Marvin Renich <>: Sep 17 02:03PM -0400

> go v.print()
> }
> It seems to print* one two three*, why?
Try running your example with the race detector. Then try commenting
out, on separate trials, each of the two cases, ...more
dc0d <>: Sep 17 06:28AM -0700

How to find out if the *main* function is started by executing the compiled
binary or by *go run*?
By examining *os.Args* it can be seen at the first case (running the app)
we will have the ...more
peterGo <>: Sep 17 07:02AM -0700

It's implementation dependendent. Be explicit. For example, pass a flag
*//go:generate go run main.go -gogenerate*
On Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 9:28:16 AM ...more
Joseph Lorenzini <>: Sep 17 05:44AM -0700

Hi all,
Say I have the following struct:
type Info struct {
Summary string
Desc string
And this is the template string
tmplStr = `Summary={{.Summary}}, ...more
Joseph Lorenzini <>: Sep 17 05:59AM -0700

Actually, the issue is not the template but my logger. The logger is
writing to os.Stderr for some reason that's not preserving new lines but if
i do fmt.Println then the new lines are preserved. ...more
David Anderson <>: Sep 16 09:07PM -0700

Tricky one. A couple of options spring to mind, none of them amazingly good:
- Use a GCE Network LB instead of HTTP LB. You can bring the TCP
sessions straight to your web servers, with ...more
Ian Rose <>: Sep 17 12:44PM

Thanks Dave - all good suggestions!
> Use a GCE Network LB instead of HTTP LB.
I'm hoping to avoid using a network LB since we are operating over https so
that means we'll have to terminate SSL ...more Sep 16 04:31PM -0700

Because Go creators have a strong opinion about what + means. I would argue
the languages that engage into these sort of things especially those who
allow operator overloading are antithetic to Go ...more Sep 16 07:31PM -0700

Context enables homonyms in spoken languages and overloaded or polymorphic
notation in mathematics. Types do the same in programming languages. The
rationale for + over join() or cat() for string ...more
Jesse McNelis <>: Sep 17 12:41PM +1000

> Context enables homonyms in spoken languages and overloaded or
polymorphic notation in mathematics. Types do the same in programming
languages. The rationale for + over join() or cat() for ...more Sep 17 02:43AM -0700

The more contextual a PL's semantics is the harder it is to make sense of a
program written in that PL (the inverse is also true, that's why we don't
program lining zeros and ones ) ... ...more Sep 17 04:55AM -0700

> I have not been able to find an explanation. Does anyone care to explain
> or point to relevant documentation?
One data point: I'd expect slice + slice to create a new object, that is, a ...more Sep 17 05:17AM -0700

A slice shares enough properties with string to make + intuitive.
[a, b, y, z] = [a, b] + [y, z] // make() and copy()
To me the ++ operator (and +=) operator for slices are intuitive too.
Harry <>: Sep 16 11:19PM -0700

I got it.
In my case, there was only Example func.
When adding something Testxxx func, it worked well.
2016年9月17日土曜日 6時52分30秒 UTC+9 James Bardin:
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