[google-appengine] Re: Import Error: No Module named google.auth

2019-04-24 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
I suggest posting this on Stackoverflow and including snippets of your import code along with the full error you are receiving since it it better suited for development issues. It is a bit hard to diagnose this at this point. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[google-appengine] Re: 503 errors - default liveness checks and readiness checks

2019-04-24 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
This could be due to your app taking long to startup and failing the readiness checks. Another possibility is resources on the instances are maxing out. An instance will be restarted if it fails consecutive health checks [1]. To avoid this, you can tune health checks to be less aggressive by

[google-appengine] Re: "Failed to create manifest file" error when deploying nodejs app

2019-04-22 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
I recommend trying to deploy the quickstart to see if you get the same error. If the issue persists and you believe this is an issue on the Google side, please open a new issue on the Issue Tracker website

[google-appengine] Re: DevAppServerTest @Rule problem

2019-04-17 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
I think it would be best to post this on Stackoverflow with a code snippet and the stack trace as it is better suited for technical development questions. You can also check this doc

[google-appengine] Re: AppEngine Flexible: Docker Socket error

2019-04-17 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
After researching a bit, this is possibly an permissions issue with Docker on your machine. Please see this doc for more details. If the issue persists, I suggest

[google-appengine] Re: Cloud Tasks getting executed hours beyond their ETA

2019-04-12 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
This could be due to App Engine instances being overloaded. Please see these best practices docs to help you manage Tasks better [1][2]. If you are still unable to diagnose the root cause, I suggest opening an issue on the Issue Tracker website [3], where we can investigate further and forward

[google-appengine] Re: SSL issues with Chrome 73.0.3683.86

2019-04-09 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
Hello, Clearing the cache may solve the issue. But if the issue persists, I recommend posting the error on Stackoverflow as it is better suited for technical issues. You can also report this to the Chrome Team here since

[google-appengine] Re: What does X-Google-Apps-Metadata: domain=gmail mean?

2019-04-09 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
Hello Joshua, >From doing some internal research: 1- X-AppEngine-Default-Namespace is the default namespace used by the Namespace API . It is only used for domain-restricted authentication. If your app is available to all

[google-appengine] Re: How to prevent sync bucket files from local cloud storage to server

2019-04-09 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
Hello, Files uploaded to Cloud Storage will be always be written to your bucket on the cloud regardless if done locally or deployed. There is no local environment for Cloud Storage. You can follow this guide to delete objects if

[google-appengine] Re: Adding JSP support to Spring Boot project (java, flex, openjdk8, tomcat)

2019-04-09 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
Hello Daniel, I recommend posting the full error you are getting along with the other questions on Stackoverflow as it is more suited for technical questions and will have better visibility. Google Groups is better suited for high-level conceptual and general

[google-appengine] Re: Cloud Functions Triggers for Pub/Sub

2019-04-04 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
Hello Laurens, As mentioned here , background functions are invoked at least once. The way Functions is set up internally is a "at least once" delivery system meaning you should expect duplicate invocations. Multiple

[google-appengine] Re: error in deploying python app

2019-04-04 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
The message is "TimeoutSec should be less than checkIntervalSec", so it looks like an issue with your health check configuration in your app.yaml file . If the timeout value is less than the

[google-appengine] Re: GAE firewall + VPC firewall configuration

2019-04-03 Thread ykarout via Google App Engine
Currently, allowing specific GAE services is not supported. I was able to find an open Feature Request for this. I recommend starring the issue link to receive email updates. Allowing app deployment requests is not currently available for flex.