We have pushed a new Google Charts Release Candidate (RC) - *V44*.

Candidate release date: Feb 16, 2016

Anticipated production release date: Feb 23, 2016

New features / bugs fixed:

Summary of changes for v44:



      Changed timeofday values to use UTC internally. This fixes problems
      with truncated timeofday axes.


      Added options to specify bar.width, bar.gap, bar.group.width (was
      bar.groupWidth) and bar.group.gap.

      Changed bar-like intervals to be consistent with bar-like charts.


      Fixed formatting of tooltip items to use formatted values.

      Fixed bucketing with very small and very large values.

      Bar width and gap options apply to Histograms also.

      Added histogram.minValue and histogram.maxValue to expand range of

      Allow use of explicit ticks option on domain axis.


      Fixed error with tooltips when any slices are too small to display.


      Fixed problems with time zones and daylight savings time.


      Support on Android.

      Wait longer on slow connections for Geo data.


      Fixed some problems with order of items.

   Material Charts

      Fixed formatting of tooltip items to use formatted values.

To load this release candidate version, please refer to the instructions on
loading the Google Charts library
just change your google.charts.load() call to load 'upcoming' instead of '
current', or you can load '44' explicitly.

If you have problems with this new version, we would like to know about it,
but you also have the option to freeze your code at V43 by changing your
google.charts.load() call to load '43' instead of 'current'.

Please test that your product is functioning correctly with the release
candidate and report any issues you encounter to


The Google Charts team

Daniel LaLiberte <https://plus.google.com/100631381223468223275?prsrc=2>
dlalibe...@google.com <dlalibe...@google.com>   5CC, Cambridge MA

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