> From: Ravi
> I am not referring to building Google desktop gadgets but an
> application like the one that opens when you double-click the
> desktop icon in the system tray.
> Is there any way I can upload an attachment here? If yes, I
would like
> to upload the image of the interface I am talking about.

If you need to post images or other files temporarily for public
consumption, check out these free services (in my order of
Be sure to use passwords so that someone else can't change the

I can't tell if you're looking to deploy Google Desktop Gadgets
in a thick container, or just looking to make use of the same
JavaScript, Ajax, CSS, XML, XHTML coding paradigm to create a
thick app, even without GD gadgets. (I call this development
model JACXX, see my blog link below) Off hand I'd think Adobe
Flex with AIR, or Silverlight/Moonlight would be what you're
looking for.  While they use the same JACXX paradigm, of course
those are not GD.  Then again you _did_ say you're not referring
to gadgets but an application...

Frankly, I'm a newcomer to GD, and I'm having a hard time
deciding if I'm going to invest my time in GD gadgets, as it's
just yet another framework in this ilk that's craving our
attention.  Part of the reason is that the deployment environment
is so proprietary.  There is only so much time for R&D, and my
decisions are based on paying the bills with useful software for
sale, not so much writing cute freebies for the masses.  So I
need to be careful about where I spend my research and
development time.  YMMV

I've recently blogged about this (and defined JACXX) for an
audience unlike this one (my business community) where people are
still trying to wrap their heads around it all.  I don't know the
blog will help anyone here to understand this coding paradigm any
better or if someone will tell me I'm full of beans.  I'll be
happy to accept comments and criticisms from those of you who
have more knowledge in this area - and from those of you who also
are still trying to simply understand where GD and similar tools
fit.  As I learn more about GD I'll be happy to write an article
about it in my blog as I have about Flex, Silverlight, and other
products and technologies.


Please simply ignore the nospam part and paste the rest into your
browser. Thanks.

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