FYI,  I submitted an improvement
to this the other day so that when frameworks call
Foo.class)*, then users can supply the binding by just calling
*bind(Foo.class).to(FooImpl.class)*.  Frameworks can inject *Optional<Foo*>,
which will be absent if users didn't Foo to anything, and present with the
user's bound value if they did bind it.

This should allow people to easily swap out
Foo* with *@javax.inject.Inject Optional<Foo>*, and also make it easier to
use optional injection in constructors.


On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Sam Berlin <> wrote:

> Ever wanted to:
>   1) Set default binding in a library or framework that users can change?
>   2) Inject something into a library or framework that isn't required, but
> would be better if a user could set it?
>   3) Inject an optional value into a constructor?
> OptionalBinder lets you do that.  Christian just pushed out some of our
> recent internal changes, including the introduction of OptionalBinder to
> the multibindings extension.
> Some example usage:
>  1) Setting a default binding that a user can override:
>    Library: *OptionalBinder.newOptionalBinder(binder(), Foo.class)*
> *                   .setDefault().to(DefaultFoo.class);*
>    At this point, code can inject '*Foo*' (or *Optional<Foo>)*, and will
> get a *DefaultFoo.*
>    User: *OptionalBinder.newOptionalBinder(binder(), Foo.class)*
> *                  .setBinding().to(CustomFoo.class);*
>    Once a user calls setBinding(), injections of *Foo* (or
> *Optional<Foo>)* will start providing *CustomFoo* instead.
>  2) Setting a binding that isn't required (e.g, no default value), but a
> user can supply.
>     Library: *OptionalBinder.newOptionalBinder(binder(), Foo.class);*
>    At this point, code *can't* inject *Foo* -- it will fail saying the
> binding isn't supplied.  Code *can* (and should) inject *Optional<Foo>*,
> though, and the optional will be absent.
>    User: *OptionalBinder.newOptionalBinder(binder(), Foo.class)*
> *                  .setBinding().to(CustomFoo.class);*
>    Once a user calls setBinding(), *Optional<Foo>* will be present and
> supply the *CustomFoo*.  Also, *Foo* can be directly injected now
> (although only user could should do that, since the user code is the only
> part that guarantees the binding will be there -- library code should still
> inject the* Optional<Foo>*).
> Please report back if you have any issues or suggestions for improvement.
> Thanks!
>  sam

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