Hi all,

Apologies if this is documented somewhere and I haven't be able to
find it. Is there a method (perhaps some sort of annotation) of
creating internal links within a wave (i.e as I said in my "earlier
blip") where earlier blip is a link to the blip of interest, or links
to a specific part of a Wave from other Waves (i.e. as "Mr Fishy said"
in this other Wave linking to the correct blip in the Wave). I guess
this could get complicated if Waves are edited etc. but it seems also
quite useful. I am interested if there is a standard for how to do
this because I want people to be able to refer to equations (i.e. as I
showed in *eqn 4* etc.) and I'm writing an equation gadget/robot.

The other question I had was, somewhat related. Is there a standard
way to link to a Wave. The reason I ask is most links are currently of
the form "wave.google.com/..." or "wave.google.com/a/sandbox..." but
obviously once Waves are federated I just want to point to the Wave
independent of the client. I.e. I might be using wave.google.com and
you might be using fedone.com for your waving, but we can both access
the public wave which was started on example.com in our clients. It
seems there is two ways of doing this, defining a Wave protocol
(wave://example.com/#HASH) or using a standardized HTML redirect (i.e.
always link waves as http://wave.com/example.com/#HASH) and the
redirect can ask (and remember) which client the user is using. Or
possibly there are cleverer ways I haven't thought of.


Jonathan J Hunt <j...@42quarks.com>
Homepage: http://www.42quarks.com
(Further contact details there)
"Physics isn't the most important thing. Love is." Richard Feynman

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