Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: A possible JsInterop issue in GWT 2.8 RC2

2016-08-22 Thread Jens
Because all these non native JsTypes are considered entry points to your application when they are exported and thus all code referenced by them can not be pruned and maybe some other optimization a can't be applied to it as well. Now consider GWT libraries that use non native JsTypes to export

Re: Using Element Queries (EQCSS) with GSS?

2016-08-21 Thread Jens
> Unfortunately, using a separate TextResource isn't quite what I'm looking > for. I want the best of both worlds. :) > Hm looking at the syntax of EQCSS again, it seems that you have to fork GWT anyways, because even if GSS would allow @element you would still need to obfuscate the selector

Re: Using Element Queries (EQCSS) with GSS?

2016-08-21 Thread Jens
Its more like that Closure Stylesheets does not recognize @element. Given that its not a CSS spec but just a syntax for the element queries JS library Closure Stylesheet probably won't implement support for it. For now your best bet is to use a TextResource and inject your EQCSS manually using

[gwt-contrib] Re: Hide GWT Development Mode window

2016-08-21 Thread Jens
You can also just launch CodeServer.main() unless you somehow need the embedded Jetty server launched by legacy DevMode class for your server side code (although IMHO its better to have CodeServer and Servlet container in two different processes so you can relaunch them separately). CodeServer

[gwt-contrib] Re: A possible JsInterop issue in GWT 2.8 RC2

2016-08-19 Thread Jens
@JsType with isNative = false (the default) are probably treated as normal classes now if you do not use -generateJsInteropExports as compiler parameter. I guess it works again if you use the compiler parameter? -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: Best Practice for JSON object recreation on client

2016-08-19 Thread Jens
Am Freitag, 19. August 2016 11:43:12 UTC+2 schrieb zakaria amine: > > I have tried something like: > > @JsType(namespace=GLOBAL) > public class Record { > String id; > String date; > String data; > public Record() { > } > } > By default @JsType property "isNative" is false, so your Record

Re: Problems connecting to Super Dev Mode server with 2.8 / multi-module project

2016-08-18 Thread Jens
SDM generates a special module.nocache.js file which contains the "recompile on reload" feature. You have to make sure that you have deployed that generated file. If you start the DevMode class the file is placed into the directory your DevMode -war parameter is pointing to. If you start

Re: jsinterop method overloading

2016-08-18 Thread Jens
I think simply calling from Java into JS using @JsType(isNative = true) as in your example is not an issue. GWT would simply assume that the JS function $ can handle the parameter. However when JS calls into a Java object that implements a @JsType, its not clear which method implementation to

Re: Best Practice for JSON object recreation on client

2016-08-18 Thread Jens
> Why would it? You may want to use JsInterop to call JSON.parse() instead > of using JsonUtils and casts from JavaScriptObject, but I believe it'd just > work otherwise (can't try it ATM though) You can not use a Java Collection as field so you would need some conversion to JsArray that

Parsing URI components

2016-08-17 Thread Jens Should help you. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: GWT Developer Plugin - Item not found.

2016-08-16 Thread Jens
The plugin isn't supported anymore because Chrome (and other browsers) has removed required NPAPI support. Because of this Google has removed most (if not all) NPAPI plugins from Chrome web store. Use SuperDevMode instead, which does not require a browser plugin. -- J. -- You received this

Re: NoSuchMethodError:

2016-08-16 Thread Jens
I assume the issue is Md5Utils.getMd5Digest(String) which was added with GWT 2.8. Most likely you have a version prior GWT 2.8 on classpath as well. Check your dependency tree and plugin dependencies/configuration. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: NoClassDefFoundError (HttpSessionIdListener) when launching SDM, after switching from gwt-2.8.0-beta1 to rc2

2016-08-15 Thread Jens
GWT uses Jetty 9 so it expects servlet-api 3.1. If your project depends on a different version you need to fix that, so look at your dependency tree to see where it comes from. mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=javax.servlet:servlet-api,javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api I hope the

Re: HashMap.get(key) function missing

2016-08-13 Thread Jens
What is "this.idMap" in your JSNI method? If it does not point to a java.util.HashMap instance created by GWT then you can not simply return it as HashMap. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and

Re: gwt-rc2: jsinterop artifact question

2016-08-13 Thread Jens
> -web pages and people state that gradle is prohibitively slow. I find that > hard to believe but a lot of people seems to reiterate it, > Old versions yes, but newer versions allow you to start a Gradle deamon as part of the first build. That deamon then speeds up follow up builds. >

Re: GWT 2.8.0 RC2 is here!

2016-08-12 Thread Jens
> However I have a general question about the DOCTYPE header directive in > the various *.gwt.xml files. > > What is the good option among: > a) these lines are useless because quirk/standard discussion is obsolete. > Ok to remove? > b) these lines have few effects, they are necessary, but the

Re: Return a HorizontalPanel to a DisclosurePanel when I perform an AsyncCallback

2016-08-10 Thread Jens
private DisclosurePanel addressDisclosurePanel(String nameId) { final DisclosurePanel addressDisclosurePanel = new DisclosurePanel( "Address"); //Get the Addresses AsyncCallback callback = new GetAddressHandler>(PersonalDetailsView.this, *addressDisclosurePanel*);

[gwt-contrib] Re: Last call for GWT 2.8.0 RC2

2016-08-10 Thread Jens
> If you feel strongly that something should make RC2 please raise this on > this thread. I will be cutting RC2 tomorrow PST time. > To avoid incorrect warnings: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT

Re: working in beta but not in latest git

2016-08-09 Thread Jens
> From my understanding (which is not much) the whole point is moot. Looks > like java Boxed types (Boolean, Double, Integer) are mapped directly to JS > primitives so the need for the above code is gone. Is that right? > Yes but only Boolean, Double and String are mapped. > If yes and

Re: working in beta but not in latest git

2016-08-09 Thread Jens
> suggests that >value.@Boolean::booleanValue() is rejected but > value@Boolean::booleanValue()() works? > Yes but they are two different things. The first syntax returns the JS function itself (method reference) while the second one executes

Re: working in beta but not in latest git

2016-08-09 Thread Jens
Which alternate syntax? You can either call those methods or don't call them. So you would need to wrap your "call the method and lets see if it might fail because its not a Java Boolean" code with try-catch. I think you can just remove the method check when using GWT 2.8. -- J. -- You

Re: Return a HorizontalPanel to a DisclosurePanel when I perform an AsyncCallback

2016-08-08 Thread Jens
Move //addressDisclosurePanel.add(addressHorizontalPanel); into your GetAddressHandler and pass in the newly created addressDisclosurePanel? Alternatively use an anonymous class as callback. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users"

Re: 2.8.0 RC1 is here!

2016-08-03 Thread Jens
> Why is this the case ? > It relies on internal API and because of this it can not be compiled using javac (ConsoleLogger calls Throwable.getBackingJsObject() which does not exist in JRE so you can not javac the file). The super sourced code is still present in

Re: gwt developer plugin can't be installed

2016-08-02 Thread Jens
Either downgrade your browser to an older version which still supports the GWT browser plugin or use GWT SuperDevMode which does not require a browser plugin at all. You can search this group, there are a lot of threads about that topic. -- J. -- You received this message because you are

Re: js is broken after I add components to top level GWT class

2016-08-02 Thread Jens
The code tries to call a function / read a property of an undefined value. So in Java terms its a classic NullPointerException, so your code most likely has a bug. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this

Re: GWT 2.8.0 RC1 - InternalCompilerException: Error constructing Java AST

2016-08-02 Thread Jens
*Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding.isDefaultMethod()Z* Check your dependencies. Looks like you have an old JDT on class path and GWT requires a newer one. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: 2.8.0 RC1 is here!

2016-07-29 Thread Jens
> ok, didn"t know gin work with jdk7, just saw this in the release note : > > i'm on jdk7, guava18 and gin 2. > Then Guava 18 is most likely blocking you, and you would need to use Guava 20 SNAPSHOT. Guava 18/19 use some private GWT API that does

[gwt-contrib] Re: site

2016-07-29 Thread Jens
Why don't we use Github pages with custom domain? Never looked into the code, does the servlet anything special? -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Contributors" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send

Re: 2.8.0 RC1 is here!

2016-07-29 Thread Jens
> the only blocking point for me now is GIN. > Why its blocking? -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

[gwt-contrib] Re: GWT 2.8.0 RC1 is here!

2016-07-29 Thread Jens
You should file a bug on the maven plugin issue tracker -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Contributors" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an

Re: using Generics in GWT JsInterop: Uncaught java.lang.ClassCastException

2016-07-27 Thread Jens
> Thanks for your suggestion. SNAPHOT did resolve this error, but caused > others. > Which other errors? -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email

Re: How to detect the scrollpanel is still scrolling or not in GWT?

2016-07-22 Thread Jens
> Is there any way to implement scroll bar with mouse listeners? Bottom > line, I want to send the request while doing scrolling. I meant last > scrolling height to server if scrolling is delayed for 100 ms or stopped. > Just do what Thomas has suggested. Listen for ScrollEvent and do void

Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Experimental release of Elemental2

2016-07-22 Thread Jens
> It only works with the generateJsInteropExports flag set though. > Sounds like a bug to me. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Contributors" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: onLoad method of Composite is not called.

2016-07-13 Thread Jens
The LoadEvent is a native browser event that will be fired once the browser has downloaded some resources. So it does not apply to a GWT widget. But every GWT widget (and thus Composite as well) has a protected onLoad / onUnload method that you can override to execute code once the widget has

Re: How to develop image swipe functionalities in GWT

2016-07-11 Thread Jens
You need to listen for touch events and write some code to recognize a swipe gesture and then probably fire a custom SwipeEvent. There are libraries that can detect gestures like -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT

Re: Getter method returning 'undefined' value while toString showing a correct object

2016-07-07 Thread Jens
A bit weird given that your toString method seem to work. I guess you have to compile your app in PRETTY mode so you can read the JavaScript better and then debug your app using the development server as it can reproduce the issue reliably. And as always try using GWT 2.8 SNAPSHOT to verify if

Re: Failed to load resource: xxx.cache.js

2016-07-05 Thread Jens
Most likely a caching problem in your browser (your .nocache.js file is probably cached by the browser and asks for an old permutation). *.cache.* and *.nocache.* must have correct HTTP caching headers. --

Re: Cascading GWT Application ?

2016-07-05 Thread Jens
> I'm asking myself, is maven can help me ? > No. Most likely something is wrong with your general approach. Check your browsers DevTools if all

Re: Are GWT widgets "heavy" ?

2016-07-05 Thread Jens
I wouldn't call them heavy but I would not use a widget in cases I don't need events, e.g. taking a UiBinder example: click me 1 click me 2 click me 1 click me 2 In the above you are only interested in events for your labels and all the

[gwt-contrib] Re: Bean Validation

2016-07-04 Thread Jens
> > I thought, removal would not be done before gwt 3.0... > Thats right. Validation will still be present in 2.8, its just marked deprecated. The change Thomas has made won't be committed before 2.8, but you can use it to determine what needs to be extracted into your external project. You

Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Experimental release of Elemental2

2016-07-04 Thread Jens
> > - often method signature defines Object as return type while I am pretty > sure something more concrete would be more appropriate. > > if a method "getFoo" can return different types "string or Foo", we create > different methods : > public Object getFoo(); > public String

Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Experimental release of Elemental2

2016-07-04 Thread Jens
> I do think we should have another library that builds on Elemental2. While > browser compatibility is a lot better, it still isn't perfect and we need > somewhere to collect workarounds for specific issues and add helper > functions to make working with the library easier. > But then you

[gwt-contrib] Re: Current snapshots failing with JDK 7

2016-07-03 Thread Jens
Hm maybe something like is needed for SerializedLambda as well? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Contributors" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

Re: What is happening to GWT???

2016-07-02 Thread Jens
> > But it also takes some time to write release notes for every release. > So again, mostly a problem of time to spend. > I think if we take care on good commit messages and bug tracking we could automate releases including good enough release notes on Github using their API. -- J. -- You

Re: What is happening to GWT???

2016-07-02 Thread Jens
> As community we should do something. In my opinion the communication is > pretty poor and should be improved. GWT is "too blackbox" in my opinion, > because of the reasons I stated before. > Its as open as any other open source project. But if the communication is fine, it's just a

Re: What is happening to GWT???

2016-07-02 Thread Jens
> As said above, Google doesn't really care about "releases", except for > that they care enough about the community "outside" who, they know, do care > about releases. > @Thomas: And thats exactly why I think GWT will have a better life if we would do fixed, automated monthly / quarterly

[gwt-contrib] Re: Compile specific files only

2016-07-02 Thread Jens
> Without any background, the question is how can I add a compiler option so > that the source inside a module is compiled without resolving its > dependency? For example, a module as simple as below > > > > > > > Only the .java files inside utils folder are translated into javascript.

Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Experimental release of Elemental2

2016-07-01 Thread Jens
> Thanks, now makes sense. I get confused with the JsFunction JsType(native) > because elemental2 has some callbacks as JsFunction and others as > JsType(native), now an actual elemental2 question; what criteria is used to > apply JsFunction (ex. elemental2.Node.AddEventListenerCallback)

Re: Questions about how the GWT obfuscation process works

2016-06-30 Thread Jens
GWT first optimizes the Java AST, then converts it into a JavaScript AST and optimizes it as well. Once that is done the actual obfuscation is just a simple renaming as far as I know. Its also kind of worthless doing such a compression as you have mentioned because that is exactly what GZIP

Re: Adding Java modules as dependencies in GWT Maven project with plugin 2.7.0

2016-06-24 Thread Jens
GWT also needs source files so you need to add a second dependency to the source artifact using sources. You also need a GWT module for your common project and inherit it in your 2nd project's GWT module. Otherwise GWT compiler will not see the code of your common project. The common.gwt.xml

Re: How to debug GWT application on Eclipse

2016-06-24 Thread Jens
> > - Then in the tree view open 'top', open {nameOfYourApp}, open >, open "sourcemaps/{nameOfYourApp}. > - Now you will find your original java source. If you open a java file > here you can set a breakpoint in Chrome... > Alternatively, on Mac, just hit CMD + O (open) and

Re: Feature Detection

2016-06-22 Thread Jens
Thats how Modernizr does it: However read the comments in that file and especially the linked articles. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To

Re: Unable to access exported JsType from JavaScript

2016-06-19 Thread Jens
Did you forgot to add -generateJsInteropExports to the compiler parameters? -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Compiling GWT source code - [ERROR] Unable to find class java/lang/Object

2016-06-18 Thread Jens
You have to build it without samples for now. To do so use "ant dist-dev" -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: AtomicReference

2016-06-17 Thread Jens
I can't speak for an official maintainer but I would be fine with it to increase code compatibility. Also the emulation code is pretty straight forward. Its likely that GWT will contain a bit more java.util.concurrent.* emulation in the future as long as it makes sense (e.g. CompletableFuture +

Re: GWT-2.8-SNAPSHOT jar questions

2016-06-15 Thread Jens
> *1. Why am I picking up tons of jetty libraries for doing a simple gwt > compilation? I could understand the need for the Jetty jars, if I was > running the code server, or including the servlet library, but just for > compilation...? Seems like this is coming from the gwt-dev.jar? * >

Re: Closure compiler removal ?

2016-06-12 Thread Jens
> 1. Is specifying -optimte 9 good enough to be the only one left? > AFAICT optimize 9 is the default anyways. Currently the values are used the following way: - 0: automatically used when -draftCompile is used or when configured manually. - 1 - 8: maximal amount of optimization

[gwt-contrib] Re: GWT 2.8 rc1 work items

2016-06-08 Thread Jens
I think we should go through Gerrit and create a Github issue for every CL that we definitely want in final 2.8 (so we can track it using Github milestone, or is there some sort of tagging feature in Gerrit that we can use to mark CLs for 2.8?) and then concentrate on reviewing these.

Re: Can meta tag with gwt:property replace url query parameter?

2016-06-06 Thread Jens
You would need to replace the property provider of MGWT because it only looks at query parameter and user agent: To read a meta property you would use var formfactorFromMeta =

Re: Unable to make loading screen appear

2016-06-06 Thread Jens
Most likely your app is on top of the loading div and thats why you don't see the div. You either have to hide the app while showing the loading div or apply some CSS z-index to your div so it appears on top. These kind of issues can easily be understood by using the browsers Dev Tools and

Re: JsInterop and Java collections?

2016-06-05 Thread Jens
> When you think about it, other Java APIs (jaxb, jpa, Jackson) do go the > extra mile to accommodate Java collections Well kind of bad comparison right? These Java APIs either serialize/deserialize based on a defined principle or stay in Java land anyways. > , and the example above

Re: JsInterop and Java collections?

2016-06-04 Thread Jens
You are not missing anything. JsInterop does not do any conversion (nor does JSNI). -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: jsinterop: GWT app as a widdget: default script injection fails.

2016-06-03 Thread Jens
Probably needs to be updated a bit if you want to run multiple GWT apps with different names/iframes as widgets on the page as you need a global variable per app then. If you know everything is served from the same domain you can probably also use window.frames['appId'].contentWindow But

Re: gwt-inerop-utils preview

2016-06-02 Thread Jens
> > If adding a couple of more interfaces is code smell, take a look at this > > ... > Yeah I know... > Also, take a look at JS APIs like this > - are we all

Re: gwt-inerop-utils preview

2016-06-02 Thread Jens
> I will add 4 and 5 arg interfaces. > I can already smell the code smell.. void myAsyncFunction(Func5 onSuccess, Func5 onFailure); IMHO its fine to just have Func1 and for anything else chose a

Re: JsInterop and default settings in JS structures - how to handle?

2016-06-02 Thread Jens
> Do I have to provide defaults for callbacks and other properties? > No, the JS library provides the defaults as you have shown in the short JS code snippet. > What happens if I leave the properties uninitialized? What will the JS API > see with such partially supplied options -

Re: JsInterop and default settings in JS structures - how to handle?

2016-06-02 Thread Jens
As seen in the JsInterop document such public properties will default to whatever the native JS object defaults to after construction. // JS library com.acme.Foo = function() { // defaults this.x = 40; this.y = 2; }; com.acme.Foo.prototype.sum = function() { return this.x + this.y; };

Re: Unknown property: checks.type

2016-06-01 Thread Jens
With the plugin from codehaus you probably have to use 2.8-beta1 as plugin version but in addition tell the plugin to use 2.8-SNAPSHOT as GWT version. To do so, see: When using the net.ltgt

Re: Getting username from url only works after refresh

2016-06-01 Thread Jens
> About the code splitting stuff. Because the browser downloads code before > he needs it. > The split point itself will be loaded once you click your login button. Once the split point has been loaded the performUserConnection() method will be called. But depending on your code structure

Re: Unknown property: checks.type

2016-05-31 Thread Jens
Most likely you have two versions of GWT on class path. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To

Re: Getting username from url only works after refresh

2016-05-31 Thread Jens
As said what you have done is generally fine in terms of passing data to a new place. I am saying that you have a bug somewhere in your code that results in a blank "logged in as: " widget because when you do placeController.goTo(new UserPlace(username)) then your UserActivity should be

Re: Getting username from url only works after refresh

2016-05-31 Thread Jens
The only issue I can see with the above code is that you have not implemented hashcode/equals for your places. However GWT expects you do implement both methods correctly for your places. I am still under the impression that it should just work, especially because you use

Re: Getting username from url only works after refresh

2016-05-30 Thread Jens
Well there is nothing wrong with the code you posted. I guess your issue is in some other code. You said you are splitting the URL String, which sounds like you do this manually? Actually GWT already does this using the AdminPlace and its Tokenizer. Whenever you visit the above URL you should

Re: GWT 2.8 delays

2016-05-30 Thread Jens
> I said this many times but... I strongly recommend that you create your > own releases. This is what we have been doing for years... > Our company also does this for years, although we don't have a fixed schedule. We pull GWT from trunk if we think there are enough commits worth doing so,

Re: Convert Bytes from byte[] to data types

2016-05-29 Thread Jens
Never done it but I would say so. GWT supports new String(byte[]) with UTF-8, LATIN-1, ISO_8859_1 charsets. For numbers you probably have to use BigInteger or do the conversion yourself as GWT does not emulate ByteBuffer.wrap(..).get...() for now. -- J. -- You received this message because

Re: JsInterop receipts for simple JSNI code ?

2016-05-24 Thread Jens
You still need to use JSNI for accessing these properties. Depending on the API you want to build you could define @JsOverlay methods inside @JsType(native = true) classes and let them delegate to a JSNI based utility class. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: GWT 2.8b1: "runAsyncCallback7 is not a function" - compiler error with GWT.runAsync(...)?

2016-05-24 Thread Jens
> I haven't managed to find any further info here... suppose I'll regard > GWT.runAsync() as "broken" avoid it going forward. > I don't think its generally broken, otherwise lots of people would complain about it, myself included as we use code splitting at work. Does your app use a custom

Re: How to sort a list of objects from the shared folder on server-side?

2016-05-19 Thread Jens
Don't implement Comparable in your shared class but instead use Collections.sort(List, Comparator) on your server. The comparator can then only live on the server. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this

[gwt-contrib] Re: Future direction for common JS api's

2016-05-18 Thread Jens
Given that Elemental 2 is developed behind closed doors, I would guess it can take TypeScript definition files and/or some IDL input to generate JS APIs for GWT / J2CL. That should cover nearly all Web APIs. IMHO TypeScript definition files would be preferred because there are tons of them on

Re: JsInterop funcional interfaces question

2016-05-17 Thread Jens
> Thank Jen, > I saw the discussion. ... Well perhaps then provide some common functional > interfaces with @JsFunction in core GWT, so that library authors stop > re-inventing the hot water and the wheel every time they need callbacks. > Probably a good idea if we can not workaround

Re: [gwt-contrib] Adding @JsFunction to java.util.function JRE Emulation?

2016-05-17 Thread Jens
> The issue is that @JsFunction implementors must "extend > java.lang.Object" as their parent. because standard library functions > are/canbe implemented on classes with complicated type hierarchies, > this would cause failures to compile. > > This restriction comes about from the efficiency

Re: JsInterop funcional interfaces question

2016-05-17 Thread Jens
We would actually like to add @JsFunction to all java.util.function.* interfaces in the JRE emulation but @JsFunction has restrictions that do not allow us to do so. See:!topic/google-web-toolkit-contributors/uNv2-va5J9A -- J. -- You received this message

Re: Importing javascript functions to GWT using JSInteropr?

2016-05-14 Thread Jens
> Is it possible to import the API of a javascript library to GWT using > JsInterop? > > E.g, stripe.js has methods such as: Stripe.card.validateCardNumber(number) > which takes a string, and takes a boolean. > > I have a feeling that it should be possible to import this function using >

Re: Jsni replacement in 2.8?

2016-05-11 Thread Jens
> How much of that has been implemented? > Everything in the 1.0 spec should work in 2.8 SNAPSHOT. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: SubmitCompleteEvent behaves differently on deployed server than it does on local environment

2016-05-10 Thread Jens
I guess response headers are different. Have you compared them? You have only showed the response body. Also whats the actual result of event.getResults() in both cases? If you haven't implemented it differently GWT will submit your form into an iframe and the browser might wrap the response

Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Configurable checks for GWT

2016-05-09 Thread Jens
Hm ok, I think I got it. I would say my Arrays.sort() example should actually use a critical check then because array.slice() can do lots unexpected things (negative indexes for either argument works but results an unexpected subset of array items to be sorted, toIndex can be larger than

[gwt-contrib] Re: Configurable checks for GWT

2016-05-09 Thread Jens
Sometimes I am not sure if we should use a normal or a critical check. Basically my understanding is that we should use a normal check if the code would also fail (but obviously with a JS error instead of a required Java Exception) with an error if the check was not present. If the code would

Re: GWT 2.8 delays

2016-05-08 Thread Jens
> > Is there anything that can be done to assist with progress? Is there a > problem with lack of interest in GWT from, say, Google? Does GWT 2.8 > involve too many features when compared to 2.7? Is there a lack of > developers working on GWT? Are more testers needed? Basically it has

Re: Returning String From JSNI method

2016-05-08 Thread Jens
Because your request is asynchron and your JSNI code does not wait at the $wnd.$.get call. Your method will complete immediately and return nothing as it does not have a return statement. You would need to change your getData() method to something like: public native void getData(String

Re: Super Dev Mode over HTTPS, workarounds?

2016-05-06 Thread Jens
> I'm not sure what difference that might make, could you elaborate? I > already have one web server talking https to the browser and the SDM script > tries to invoke an http connection to the code server. How does adding > another server talking HTTPS help the situation? > > Sorry if I'm

Re: Super Dev Mode over HTTPS, workarounds?

2016-05-04 Thread Jens
I would probably install a local http webserver/proxy (apache, nginx, etc) that talks https to the browser and forwards requests as desired to SDM / your servlet container / whatever. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To

[gwt-contrib] Re: Generator and Linker maintenance and changes

2016-05-03 Thread Jens
> > > >- add new features to existing generators / linkers > > I think to some extend some new features should also be fine if they are related to Java 8. For example I could see GWT-RPC being improved to better support lambda/method references in the future. -- J. -- You received

[gwt-contrib] Re: Generator and Linker maintenance and changes

2016-05-03 Thread Jens
Of course generators and linkers should be maintained, especially if it allows user code to be made more Java 8 friendly. I am pretty sure quite some GWT users will have large applications that will stay on 2.8 as long as possible because its too costly to rewrite these apps. However they will

[gwt-contrib] Re: How to unit test JsInterop code

2016-05-01 Thread Jens
Depending on what exactly you want to test I would try hard using plain JUnit with mocking / stubbing. Testing @JsType(native = true) annotated interfaces / classes probably does not make a lot of sense given that the underlying JS code should already be tested and given that GWT itself has

[gwt-contrib] Re: GWT 2.8.0 SNAPSHOT compiler crash

2016-04-27 Thread Jens
Hmm never seen this. Maybe some ASM 3.x has creeped into your classpath? GWT 2.8 requires ASM 5.x. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Contributors" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: [2.8-SNAPSHOT] Obscure stack traces

2016-04-22 Thread Jens
> > > > ... > > ... > > > Is that correct? > Yes thats correct. With the above you should see source maps applied to stack traces when using Chrome. But you do not have to set compiler.stackMode explicitly to native as native is the default. You can see this

Re: When is GWT 2.8 provide emulation?

2016-04-22 Thread Jens
> ... i am working with the 4/20 snapshot and do not see it. > Its not yet pushed for review, so it could take some time until its available. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

Re: SuperDevMode automatic recompile does not work with external server

2016-04-22 Thread Jens
> SuperDevMode does not seem to respect gwt.war when compiling its > superdevmode.nocache.js. And that is the problem. The special > superdevmode.nocache.js gets created in the target folder of the > original gwt project. Our Java server knows nothing about it... > > Is there a good

Re: [2.8-SNAPSHOT] Obscure stack traces

2016-04-22 Thread Jens
Do you see source maps (and thus your java files) in your Chrome dev tools under the "sources" tab? If not, then Chrome has not loaded source maps for any reason. Also if your have inherited Logging.gwt.xml then the property compiler.stackMode must be set to native in order to see stack traces

Re: SuperDevMode automatic recompile does not work with external server

2016-04-22 Thread Jens
First start SDM, then deploy your war to your external server. SDM generates a special *.nocache.js file that enables automatic recompilation. You have to make sure that this special version is deployed. -- J. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GWT

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