Hi Gwt users !

My question is quite simple : How can i modify the generated
MyModule.nocache.js file ? Can I do this with a linker ?

I want to change the way these variables are written on the
document :

var compiledScriptTag = $intern_57 + base + strongName + $intern_58;
  $doc.write($intern_59 + $intern_60 + $intern_61 + $intern_62 +
$intern_63 + $intern_64 + $intern_65 + $intern_62 + $intern_63 +
$intern_66 + $intern_67 + $intern_68 + compiledScriptTag + $intern_69
+ $intern_70 + $intern_71 + $intern_72);

I want to do this as I inject my GWT module on the DOM of a random
webpage via Chrome Extension.

Thanks in advance for your answers

Sébastien Etter

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