Basically JSONP uses the HTML script tag to load data from a different 
domain (to avoid the same origin policy. It does not apply for script 

That means that if you do a request to 
via JsonpRequestBuilder GWT will insert something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8081/LMS-WB/
services/authenticate/saranraju/welcome1/?callback=<javascript methodname>">

into the web page.

Note the "?callback=<javascript methodname>" portion of the URL. Your 
webservice has to evaluate the "callback" parameter and has to use the 
supplied method name for building the response. Instead of returning pure 
JSON you have to return Javascript (as the request is done via a script tag) 
and the correct return value would be "methodname({ ... JSON DATA ... })". 
Before doing the request GWT will add a JavaScript function to your web page 
and the name of that function will be send to your server via the callback 
parameter. That function will be called when your request is done and that 
function will call your onSuccess method.

As you have called jsonRequestBuilder.setCallbackParam("JSONCALLBACKPARAM"); 
you would have to evaluate the parameter "JSONCALLBACKPARAM" on your server 
and use its value to construct the return value as described above.

Hope that helps.

-- J.

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