Hi GWT guys,

Good day to all.

I am working on GWT now and trying to learn every corner of the project. At 
this point of time, I am struck up with configuring the .properties file.

I am using a .properties file in my client package. In that I have given a 
server name defined to a variable(ipAddress1).

I have used interface in the client package and used annotations in that to 
get that server name.

This interface i have used in my client application to get the server name 
from .properties file.

1) Now here, If I need to change the server name in future, I need to 
change in .properties file as well as Interface. Its not a good practice. 
How can I handle this situation?

2) How can I configure the .properties file to my whole project?

3) If the above way is the only process to get all the data in .properties 
file, how can I handle that without using the Constants package in the 

Here is my sample code:


ipAddress1 = "dtjhbtibadm";


import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Constants;

public interface Const_Interface extends Constants{
String ipAddress1();


Client App:

public class MyApp implements EntryPoint{
public void onModuleLoad() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
    Const_Interface cons_intr = (Const_Interface) 
    java.lang.String ipAddress1 = cons_intr.ipAddress1();
            java.lang.String ipAddress= ipAddress1;


<inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.I18N"/>

gwt-user 1.6.4.jar

Thanks in advance,

Sampath Girish M



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