Hi all

I have a couple of somewhat basic, related and possibly duh! type
questions (which the subject of this post doesn't articulate very
well!) that I can't seem to find answers to on the forum etc. Couple
of points before the actual questions.

1. This is using GWT 1.4.6x, if that makes a difference.
2. Am not talking about RPC/serializable classes, but about data
objects that are used purely on the client side.

1. When designing the client side data model, does it make a
difference in terms of performance/optimization whether one uses
concrete implementations rather than interfaces (especially for things
in the collections framework)? More specifically, suppose I have a
data model class defined like so:

public class DataModel {
        private String aString;
        private List aList = new ArrayList();
        private Map aMap = new HashMap();

        // Methods that provide access to the data

Is there any advantage in terms of ease of compilation/client
performance/size of compiled Javascript if the above is declared like
so, instead:

public class DataModel {
        private String aString;
        private ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
        private HashMap aMap = new HashMap();

        // Methods that provide access to the data

2. Does using the @gwt.typeArgs annotation in any way affect the
behaviour/performance of pure client side data objects? For example,
would doing like so:

public class DataModel {
        private String aString;
         * @gwt.typeArgs <com.foo.client.model.Bar>
        private ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
         * @gwt.typeArgs <java.lang.String, com.foo.client.model.Bar>
        private HashMap aMap = new HashMap();
        // Methods that provide access to the data

help in any way? AFAIK, the @gwt.typeArgs annotation has to do _only_
with RPC for GWT serializable objects and remote interfaces.

Thanks and regards

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