I'm solving this problem by having the webserver do a rewrite of the URL,
appending the appropriate language code, based on what the browser sends as
their accepted language. This method could easily be extended to instead
examine a cookie that is sent in. This way no reload is required and it
Static string internationalization means that the gwt compiler
generates extra permutations for every locale/browser combination, and
changing the locale on the client means replacing the currently loaded
permutation with a different one, so I guess there is no other way.
Anyway, you should be abl
I'd like to add my 2cents to the original question.
Is there no other way to change locale than adding parameter to url
and doing a refresh?
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For more on the dynamic host page approach, see
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:02 PM, jhulford wrote:
> Presumably you're deploying your app as a .war to a Servlet container
> (like Tomcat or Jetty), what you'll want to do is cre
Presumably you're deploying your app as a .war to a Servlet container
(like Tomcat or Jetty), what you'll want to do is create a .jsp
(instead of a plain static .html file) that dynamically writes out
your host html and have that include the user's locale preference.
If you're not using a java ser
Instead of asking the user for a locale preference for your page, why
not just assume that his browser is configured to tell you his
preferred language using the HTML Accept-Language header?
Hi Jhuford,
this sounds interesting.
I have the user's choice in a database. But my host page is always the
same. I have only one host page, which is nearly empty. Everything
including the login window is generated by code.
At the moment, I feel unable to test the method you described. Could
You can store off the user's chosen locale into a database of some
sort and then when your host page is being written after the user logs
in (like w/ jsp or php or something) load the users language
preference and set it via the meta tag.
The only time you'd need to reload the app then is on that
I actually cannot live with the "reload":
Assume a user had set his language in some profile settings area of
your application. When he comes into your app, he logs in and the app
loads for the first time. Then, immediately after loading the app, it
is immediately reloaded to realize the loca
GWT showcase appends ?locale=xx_YY to the URL and simply reloads the
page. It does the same as the i18n document suggests.
On Dec 29, 10:56 pm, Magnus wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed the instructions in the article "Internationalizing a GWT
> Application" and prepared my application for "Static Stri
Look in I18N.gwt.xml
if (locale == null) {
* // Look for the locale on the web page*
locale = __gwt_getMetaProperty("locale")
if (locale == null) {
// Look for an override computed by other means in the selection
locale = $wnd['__gwt_Locale'];
I followed the instructions in the article "Internationalizing a GWT
Application" and prepared my application for "Static String
Great! Appending the locale in the URL results in another language!
But appe
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