I have the same exact issue while expanding my test project to incorporate 
 simple @Embedded value type.

I have a simple Person entity with a few property fields (name, phone) I 
set up and got it to do all basic crud operations without any problems.  I 
added an Address POJO as an additional property field embedded in my person 
entity.  Everything works as expected up to and through firing of my 
RequestContext firing.  Here's the Code:

  PersonRequest req = requestFactory.personRequest();
  PersonProxy person = req.create(PersonProxy.class);
  AddressProxy address = req.create(AddressProxy.class);
  address.setStreet("Elm St.")

Once it fires, I get the error above with the same stack as shown by the 
original post.  Apparently it doesn't like AddressProxy.class at all.  If I 
comment out the person.setAddress() line in my code, but leave AddressProxy 
address = req.create(AddressProxy.class) above it, I still get the same 

Following it on the debugger the problem is here in the 
ResolverServiceLayer class:

    public Class<? extends BaseProxy> resolveClass(String typeToken) {
      String deobfuscated = deobfuscator.getTypeFromToken(typeToken);
      if (deobfuscated == null) {
        die(null, "No type for token %s", typeToken);

What am I missing??

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