Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2009-12-27 Thread Premila Devi Dayalan
LinkedIn Premila Devi Dayalan requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn: -- anoop, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - Premila Devi Accept invitation from Premila Devi Dayalan

Migrating DaTa

2009-08-13 Thread PrEmILa DeVi DaYaLaN RaMaSaMy
Hai there... I need your flavour. Did you know,how to migrate Data.Because I am having a problem in Migrating Data. Thank you.Please advice me on these issue. Warmest Regards, PREMILA DEVI DAYALAN RAMASAMY When Life Pushes you down, Push Back! That's what you're here for, You're capable