I need help with two problems.  Please excuse my noobness and give me
some suggestion.

I am using dyuproject to implement openId functionality and under some
condition, my servlet that uses dyuproject returns a response that is
a HTML page.  In the head section of this HMTL page, there's a
javascript element that contains the url to the openId provider.  The
problem is, I do not know how to extract this url from the response
text.  The HMTL.getElement() methods seems to only extract the body

The second problem is, when a reponse is received by my GWT
application? I have no idea what is actually going on, but it seems
GWT is not adding a dot to the domain name.  Here is the actual error
Sep 10, 2009 5:18:55 PM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase
WARNING: Cookie rejected: "$Version=0;
$Path=/; $Domain=myopenid.com". Domain attribute "myopenid.com"
violates RFC 2109: domain must start with a dot

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