Re: Efficient Communication via JSON and JavaScriptObject overlays in GWT 2.0

2012-08-29 Thread mjeffw
Is this (see below) still true with GWT 2.0.5? I'm guessing it is based on 
my test of having a generator create a JSO -- it fails the compilation 
step. It would be great if this limitation could be overcome.

On Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:45:58 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 Note that you unfortunately cannot use a GWT generator to generate the 
 JSOs from the interface at compile-time (generators run after the JSOs 
 have been rewritten); but you could have one running in your IDE...

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VerticalPanel not laying out properly

2011-07-01 Thread mjeffw
I've got a simple layout with a VerticalPanel nested inside a
DockLayoutPanel. There are three widgets in the VerticalPanel: the
first and third ones have an explicitly set height in EM units. The
middle widget has a height of 100%. I expect the VerticalPanel to
fill the entire space given it, with the first widget fixed to the top
of the area, and the third widget sitting at the very bottom, and the
second widget to fill the remaining space between. What I actually get
is a good bit of whitespace below the third widget.

What is the correct way to specify a VerticalPanel to act the way I

Here's my UIBinder for the layout:

.status {
background-color: #9a9a9a;

.header {
background-color: orange;

.footer {
background-color: gray;

.bordered {
border: medium red dotted;
g:DockLayoutPanel unit=EM width=100% height=100%
g:north size=1
g:SimplePanel addStyleNames='{style.status}'
g:Label text=Status Bar width=100% 
horizontalAlignment=ALIGN_CENTER /
g:west size=20
g:SimplePanel width=100% height=100%
g:VerticalPanel width=100% height=100%
g:SimplePanel height=2.75em 
g:Label text=Header 
width=100% height=100%

horizontalAlignment=ALIGN_CENTER /
g:SimplePanel width=100% 
g:Label text=Body 
width=100% height=100%

horizontalAlignment=ALIGN_CENTER /
g:SimplePanel width=100% height=3em
g:Label text=Footer 
width=100% height=100%

horizontalAlignment=ALIGN_CENTER /

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Re: VerticalPanel not laying out properly

2011-07-01 Thread mjeffw
OK, I figured out that if I surround each widget declaration inside the 
VerticalPanel with g:cell/g:cell tags, I can use the cell height 
property on the second cell like this: g:cell height='100%'.

That makes my layout do what I want.

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Re: IE 7 bug? LayoutPanels cease resizing after first time displayed

2010-09-09 Thread mjeffw
Indeed, I am doing a container.clear() then container.add(panel). I
will try to hide and show instead. Thanks!

On Sep 9, 1:53 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
 When you navigate between the screens are you removing the prior
 panel? If so then you're probably encountering a bug that I 

 You could workaround it by hiding the previous panel instead of
 removing it. Or you can call forcelayout recursively...

 On Sep 8, 3:42 pm, mjeffw wrote:

  I have an application that contains two screens, both of which are
  using DockLayoutPanel as their outermost container.

  The app is using Standards mode, and I am adding the panels to the
  RootLayoutPanel with code that looks like this:

        // container is my RootLayoutPanel

  dockLayoutPanel is an instance of a Composite created via the
  UIBinder; it's topmost element is a DockLayoutPanel:


          g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'
                  g:west size='20'

  ... (remainder elided)

  Both screens are defined in this same way, but with different

  I am also using History to manage navigation between the two screens.

  When the user starts the app, the first screen appears and correctly
  resizes with the browser window. Then the user click a button that
  leads him to the second page. At this point, that screen is also
  resizing properly.

  Then the user goes back to the first screen using the browser back
  button. The screen comes up but no longer resizes with the browser
  window. If the user then navigates back to the second screen, it too
  is no longer resizing properly.

  To reproduce this error, I am using IE 7.

  If I use Safari or Chrome, it seems to work fine.

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IE 7 bug? LayoutPanels cease resizing after first time displayed

2010-09-08 Thread mjeffw
I have an application that contains two screens, both of which are
using DockLayoutPanel as their outermost container.

The app is using Standards mode, and I am adding the panels to the
RootLayoutPanel with code that looks like this:

  // container is my RootLayoutPanel

dockLayoutPanel is an instance of a Composite created via the
UIBinder; it's topmost element is a DockLayoutPanel:


g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'
g:west size='20'

... (remainder elided)

Both screens are defined in this same way, but with different

I am also using History to manage navigation between the two screens.

When the user starts the app, the first screen appears and correctly
resizes with the browser window. Then the user click a button that
leads him to the second page. At this point, that screen is also
resizing properly.

Then the user goes back to the first screen using the browser back
button. The screen comes up but no longer resizes with the browser
window. If the user then navigates back to the second screen, it too
is no longer resizing properly.

To reproduce this error, I am using IE 7.

If I use Safari or Chrome, it seems to work fine.

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Re: StockWatcher tutorial -- it works but why?

2009-04-28 Thread mjeffw

Inner anonymous classes have full access to the private members of the
enclosing class. I haven't gotten to this point in the tutorial yet,
but the only way I believe that this compiles is that symbol is a
member of the outer class (probably, yes?). So this
code can see any value in that field.

On Apr 27, 4:36 pm, Rob Tanner wrote:
 In working through the StockWatcher tutorial and I'm on Add a button
 to remove stocks from the stock list under Step #5.  While the
 function works perfectly there is, for me, a logical disconnect.  In
 my mind, the code shouldn't work (perhaps it's my lack of
 understanding of anonymous sub-classes):

                 // Add a button to remove this stock from the table
                 Button removeStockButton = new Button(X);
                 removeStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
                         public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                                 int removedIndex = stocks.indexOf(symbol);
                                 stocksFlexTable.removeRow(removedIndex + 1);
                 stocksFlexTable.setWidget(row, 3, removeStockButton);

 The onClick handler is executed when the removeStockButton is
 clicked.  The value of symbol comes from the newSymbolTextBox when
 the stock is entered.  So how does the onClick handler know the value
 of symbol when the button is pressed?

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