
I was under the impression that GWT compiler ignores unrecognized
annotations. Well, I have a simple test class with some java.xml
annotations on it. The source for those annotations is not on the
classpath. I read that if I put the source there, I should have no
problems, but for this example I didn't want to do that. My class:

@XmlType(name = "point")
public class Point {

  @XmlAttribute public double x;
  @XmlAttribute public double y;

  public Point() {

If I remove the annotations the compilations finishes without

My question is: does gwt ignore the unrecognized annotations or not? .
I remember reading that it does since version 1.5. I am using version
1.7. Have I misunderstood something important about the compilation?

On the client side I have no need for some annotations, but on the
server side I do. I would like not to rely on a facade/dto solution to
have my classes compile properly nor would I like to be forced to
include a source on my classpath unnecessarily.

Thank yall

Pauli Savolainen

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