
I'm having some difficulties when making multiple GWT RPC calls from
within a GWT Timer.

I've run my example in a few different applications that monitor the
memory usage of the page and in all of them there is a constant
increase in the amount of memory after each call.

In the example all I am doing is scheduling a Timer to run every 5
seconds to call my service that simply returns a large string - around
250,000 characters (JSON formatted).

The memory increase seems to occur in IE7, IE8, FireFox & Chrome.
Chrome's developer tools (Heap Snapshots profile) seems to suggest
that the increase is related to the strings I'm returning - I'm
assuming that by nulling the string that once the method finishes
running the garbage collector should clean it up but something must be
holding onto them, I just cant work out what!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Let me know if anyone requires
any extra information!

My entry point consists of the following code.

package com.imass.performancetesting.client;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;

import com.imass.performancetesting.client.services.IVesselServices;

public class PerformanceTestingEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {

         * Create a remote service proxy to talk to the server-side Vessel
service (Async).
        private IVesselServicesAsync rpcVesselServices =

        public void onModuleLoad() {

                new Timer() {
                        public void run() {
AsyncCallback<String>() {
                                        public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
                                                // Show the RPC error message 
to the user
                                        public void onSuccess(String 
resultString) {
                                                resultString = null;
                }.scheduleRepeating(5 * 1000);



Thanks in advance,

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