I've working on a branch that allows JavaScriptObjects to implement
interfaces with methods.  Due to the lack of polymorphic dispatch of
JSOs, for a given method-bearing interface, there can be exactly one
JSO type implementing the interface.  The question at hand is whether
or not to allow N-many regular Java types to also implement that

The choices are:

---- ONE ----

interface Person {
  String getName();

class JsoPerson extends JavaScriptObject implements Person { ... }
// It is an error to define any other type that implements Person,
including anonymous types
// subclassing JsoPerson is OK

---- TWO ----

interface Person {
  String getName();

class JsoPerson extends JavaScriptObject implements Person { ... }
// It is an error to define any other JSO type that implements Person
// subclassing JsoPerson is OK

class RegularPerson implements Person { ... }
(new Person() { ... })
// But you can have as many non-JSO types implementing Person

  - Scenario one is more restrictive, but calling ((Person)
x).getName() can always be statically resolved to one method
    - Land-mines with anonymous types

  - Scenario two allows a JSO implementation to inter-operate with regular code
    - Only land-mine would be in declaring a second JSO type
    - ((Person) x).getName() would be more expensive to dispatch if
type-tightening doesn't occur; modulo optimizations, it would look
like "x.typeId$ ? x.getName() : getName$(x)"
    - This dispatch penalty applies only to interfaces with a JSO
implementation and one or more regular implementations and
type-tightening occurs.
    - Would be doing polymorphic dispatch anyway, this just adds a
ternary expression

I'm favoring scenario two because it provides the developer
significant additional flexibility.  Consider the following where you
get a payload from the server in JSON format, but also want to edit
some of the resulting objects.

interface Person {
  String getName();

final class JsoPerson extends JavaScriptObject implements Person {
  protected JsoPerson() {}
  public native String getName() /*-{ return this.name; }-*/;

class MutablePerson implements Person {
  private String name;
  public MutablePerson(Person copyFrom) {this.person = copyFrom.getName();}
  public String getName() {return name;}
  public void setName(String name);

Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


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